- Verlag Bau + Technik
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Bestimmung der adiabatischen Temperaturerhöhung von Beton; Teil 2
Ergebnisse eines FuE-Vorhabens
Spörel Frank / Westendarp, Andreas
Die adiabatische Temperaturerhöhung von Beton ist ein Eingangsparameter für die Zwangbemessung massiger Verkehrswasserbauwerke aus Beton. Zur Ermittlung der adiabatischen Temperaturerhöhung von Betonen sieht die ZTV-W LB 215 (2012) neben dem quasiadiabatischen 8-m³-Block grundsätzlich weitere Methoden vor, die in der Leistungsbeschreibung festgelegt werden können. Inwiefern die Ergebnisse verschiedener Verfahren miteinander korrelieren, wurde im Rahmen eines FuE-Vorhabens untersucht. Neben Verfahren, die auf der Hydratationswärme des Zements basieren, wurden adiabatische Betonversuche nach DIN EN 12390-15, teiladiabatische Betonversuche sowie ein Bauteilversuch an einem Schleusenbauwerk berücksichtigt. Auf Grundlage der Untersuchungen erscheint es möglich, praxistaugliche Alternativen zum 8-m³-Block für bestimmte Anwendungsbereiche in die ZTV-W LB 215 zu integrieren.
Determination of the adiabatic temperature rise of concrete; part 1
The adiabatic temperature rise of concrete is an input parameter for the constraint measurement of massive hydraulic transport structures made of concrete. To determine the adiabatic temperature rise of concrete, ZTV-W LB 215 (2012) (Additional Technical Terms of Contract Hydraulic Engineering (ZTV-W) for Hydraulic Structures made of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete (Service Area 215)) provides for other methods in addition to the quasi-adiabatic 8 m³ block, which can be specified in the specifications. The extent to which the results of different methods correlate with each other was investigated as part of an R&D project. In addition to methods based on the heat of hydration of the cement, adiabatic concrete tests in accordance with DIN EN 12390-15, partially adiabatic concrete tests and a component test on a lock structure were taken into account. Based on the investigations, it appears possible to integrate practical alternatives to the 8 m³ block into the ZTV-W LB 215 for certain areas of application.
Determination of the adiabatic temperature rise of concrete; part 1
The adiabatic temperature rise of concrete is an input parameter for the constraint measurement of massive hydraulic transport structures made of concrete. To determine the adiabatic temperature rise of concrete, ZTV-W LB 215 (2012) (Additional Technical Terms of Contract Hydraulic Engineering (ZTV-W) for Hydraulic Structures made of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete (Service Area 215)) provides for other methods in addition to the quasi-adiabatic 8 m³ block, which can be specified in the specifications. The extent to which the results of different methods correlate with each other was investigated as part of an R&D project. In addition to methods based on the heat of hydration of the cement, adiabatic concrete tests in accordance with DIN EN 12390-15, partially adiabatic concrete tests and a component test on a lock structure were taken into account. Based on the investigations, it appears possible to integrate practical alternatives to the 8 m³ block into the ZTV-W LB 215 for certain areas of application.
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bis beton 4/2022: Verlag Bau+Technik GmbH
ab beton 5/2022: Concrete Content UG
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