- Verlag Bau + Technik
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Erreichen projektierter Betoneigenschaften im modernen 5-Stoff-System diverser Betonausgangsstoffe
Achieving the intended concrete properties in modern 5-material systems of varied concrete constituents
Reiners, Jochen / Müller, Christoph / Penttilä, Joose / Breitenbücher, Rolf
Einhergehend mit der Entwicklung zu weicheren Betonen wird derzeit immer wieder beobachtet, dass sich Frischbetoneigenschaften bei länger andauernden Bauvorhaben trotz gleicher Betonzusammensetzung unerwartet bzw. unvorhersehbar signifikant verändern. In einem gemeinsamen Forschungsprojekt des Forschungsinstituts der Zementindustrie mit der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Institut für konstruktiven Ingenieurbau, Lehrstuhl für Baustofftechnik, wurden Kriterien für den Entwurf von Betonzusammensetzungen erarbeitet, die erfüllt sein sollten, damit kein unerwünschtes Frischbetonverhalten auftritt und die ungewollte Beeinflussung der Frischbetoneigenschaften durch material- und produktionsbedingte Schwankungen der Betonausgangsstoffe möglichst gering ist.
Abstract: Associated with the trend towards softer concretes it is now often found that significant changes in the fresh concrete properties occur unexpectedly and unpredictably in longterm construction projects in spite of using the same concrete composition. In a joint research project between the Research Institute of the Cement Industry and the Chair of Building Materials Technology in the Institute for Structural Civil Engineering at Ruhr University Bochum criteria were worked out for designing concrete mix formulations. The intention is that these criteria should be fulfilled to prevent the occurrence of undesirable fresh concrete behaviour and so that the inadvertent influence on the fresh concrete properties caused by material- and production-induced fluctuations in the concrete constituents is as small as possible.
Abstract: Associated with the trend towards softer concretes it is now often found that significant changes in the fresh concrete properties occur unexpectedly and unpredictably in longterm construction projects in spite of using the same concrete composition. In a joint research project between the Research Institute of the Cement Industry and the Chair of Building Materials Technology in the Institute for Structural Civil Engineering at Ruhr University Bochum criteria were worked out for designing concrete mix formulations. The intention is that these criteria should be fulfilled to prevent the occurrence of undesirable fresh concrete behaviour and so that the inadvertent influence on the fresh concrete properties caused by material- and production-induced fluctuations in the concrete constituents is as small as possible.
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bis beton 4/2022: Verlag Bau+Technik GmbH
ab beton 5/2022: Concrete Content UG
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Tel: +49 (0) 2 02 7 69 92 69
Fax: +49 (0) 2 02 7 69 92 70