Betonpumpen und Verteilermaste
Entwicklungen und Tendenzen
Sonnenberg, Richard
Aufgrund der vielseitiger werdenden Baustellenanforderungen werden immer höhere Ansprüche an die Frischbetonförderung und damit an die Betonpumpen gestellt. In Deutschland werden zurzeit jährlich etwa 20 Mio. m³ Beton gepumpt. Die zur Bewältigung dieser Förderleistung eingesetzten Betonpumpen sind nicht nur maschinentechnisch optimal ausgestattet, sie erfüllen auch die verschärften Bestimmungen der zulässigen Abgas- und Lärmemissionen sowie unterschiedliche Achslastbegrenzungen verschiedener Länder. Auf weltweit außergewöhnlichen Baustellen sind vermehrt Hochleistungs- Betonpumpen mit hohem Qualitätsstandard aus europäischer Herstellung im Einsatz.
Market review of concrete pumps and placing booms
Concrete pumps with the oil-hydraulic drives that are now used have been built since 1959. The experience that has been gained in building site operation during this period is reflected in the great efficiency of modern concrete pumps. In spite of this mature technology the concrete pumps are subject to continuous updating and adaptation to meet market requirements. Ever greater demands are being made on the transport of fresh concrete, and therefore on the concrete pumps, because of the increasingly diverse requirements of the building sites. Currently about 20 million m3 concrete are pumped annually in Germany. The concrete pumps used to meet this delivery capacity are not only equipped with the best possible mechanical equipment but also fulfil the intensified regulations for permissible exhaust gas and noise emissions and the various axle load limits of different countries. Virtually all building site requirements for pumping concrete can be met with the closely graduated ranges of conveying units, boom packages and support systems. Unusual building sites around the world are making increasing use of high-quality, high-performance, concrete pumps manufactured in Europe. The article provides an overview of the range of concrete pumps and placing booms currently available in Germany.
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beton 7+8/2017 ab Seite 260
Herausgeber des Artikels:
bis beton 4/2022: Verlag Bau+Technik GmbH
ab beton 5/2022: Concrete Content UG
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