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Transportbeton-Fahrmischer 2023
Entwicklungen und Tendenzen
Kotzan, Holger
54 Mio. m3 Beton transportierten die rd. 7 900 Fahrmischer im Jahr 2021 zu Großbaustellen und kleine Bauvorhaben in ganz Deutschland. Immer mehr Transportbeton-Unternehmen setzen dabei in ihrem Flottenmanagement auf umweltfreundliche Elektroantriebe, sei es für den Antrieb der Mischertrommel oder für den vollelektrischen Antrieb von Fahrzeug und Mischertrommel. Der vollelektrische Antrieb stößt allerdings bei manchen Transportsituationen an seine Grenzen und kann im Moment noch nicht in allen Bereichen eingesetzt werden. Daher werden Fahrmischer auch weiterhin mit emissionsarmen Dieselaggregaten betrieben. Die Bestrebung in der Entwicklung liegen hier unverändert auf der Steigerung der Effizienz, z.B. durch eine Erhöhung der Nutzlast durch Verringerung des Fahrzeuggewichts. Die Marktübersicht informiert über die neuesten Entwicklungen im Bereich der Elektromobilität und zeigt das aktuelle Angebot an Transportbeton-Fahrmischern.
Market review ready-mix concrete truck mixers 2023
In 2021, the 7900 truck mixers transported 54 million m3 of concrete to large construction sites and small construction projects throughout Germany. More and more ready-mixed concrete companies are relying on environmentally friendly electric drives in their fleet management, whether for driving the mixer drum or for the all-electric drive of the vehicle and mixer drum. However, the all-electric drive reaches its limits in some transport situations and cannot be used in all areas at the moment. For this reason, truck mixers continue to be operated with low-emission diesel units. Efforts in development continue to focus on increasing efficiency, e.g. by increasing the payload by reducing the vehicle weight. The market overview provides information on the latest developments in the field of electric mobility and shows the current range of ready-mixed concrete truck mixers.
Market review ready-mix concrete truck mixers 2023
In 2021, the 7900 truck mixers transported 54 million m3 of concrete to large construction sites and small construction projects throughout Germany. More and more ready-mixed concrete companies are relying on environmentally friendly electric drives in their fleet management, whether for driving the mixer drum or for the all-electric drive of the vehicle and mixer drum. However, the all-electric drive reaches its limits in some transport situations and cannot be used in all areas at the moment. For this reason, truck mixers continue to be operated with low-emission diesel units. Efforts in development continue to focus on increasing efficiency, e.g. by increasing the payload by reducing the vehicle weight. The market overview provides information on the latest developments in the field of electric mobility and shows the current range of ready-mixed concrete truck mixers.
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beton 6/2023 ab Seite 240
Herausgeber des Artikels:
bis beton 4/2022: Verlag Bau+Technik GmbH
ab beton 5/2022: Concrete Content UG
Wuppertal / Schermbeck
Tel: +49 (0) 2 02 7 69 92 69
Fax: +49 (0) 2 02 7 69 92 70
bis beton 4/2022: Verlag Bau+Technik GmbH
ab beton 5/2022: Concrete Content UG
Wuppertal / Schermbeck
Tel: +49 (0) 2 02 7 69 92 69
Fax: +49 (0) 2 02 7 69 92 70