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Auswirkung von Sanden auf die Bewertung potenziell alkalireaktiver Gesteinskörnungen
Effect of sand on the evaluation of potentially alkali-reactive aggregates
Pierkes, Roland / Rickert, Jörg
Die Richtlinie „Vorbeugende Maßnahmen gegen schädigende Alkalireaktionen in Beton“ (Alkali-Richtlinie) des Deutschen Ausschusses für Stahlbeton sieht in Teil 3 die Prüfung von Gesteinskörnungen in Mörteln und Betonen vor, in denen die Sieblinie der zu prüfenden Körnung mit einem „inerten“ Sand zu ergänzen ist. Bislang fehlten systematische Untersuchungen zur Eignung eines einzusetzenden Prüfsandes hinsichtlich des Einflusses seiner natürlichen Alkalireaktivität auf die Betonprüfungen. In einem von der AiF geförderten Forschungsvorhaben wurde anhand von Untersuchungen an Prüfsanden sowie an daraus hergestellten Mörteln und Betonen unter Verwendung von alkalireaktiven und inerten Splitten der Einfluss quarzhaltiger Sandkörnungen auf die Prüfergebnisse untersucht. Ziel war es, eine mögliche Fehlerquelle in den zurzeit angewendeten Prüfverfahren in ihrer tatsächlichen Bedeutung aufzudecken, um einerseits die Notwendigkeit von Prüfungen an der Sandfraktion zu beurteilen und andererseits fehlerhafte Bewertungen von Gesteinskörnungen oder von Betonzusammensetzungen im Hinblick auf eine schädigende Alkali-Kieselsäure-Reaktion zu vermeiden. Die Ergebnisse des Forschungsvorhabens belegen, dass der Einfluss von ungebrochenen, quarzitischen Sanden auf eine schädigende AKR in Beton vergleichsweise gering ist. Bei einer ausreichenden Charakterisierung der groben Gesteinskörnung nach den Vorgaben der Alkali-Richtlinie kann auf eine separate Prüfung dieses Ausgangsstoffs verzichtet werden.
Part 3 of the Alkali Guidelines “Preventive measures against harmful alkali reactions in concrete” issued by the German Committee for Structural Concrete provides for the testing of aggregates in mortars and concretes in which the grading curve of the particulate material to be tested has to be supplemented with an “inert” sand. So far there have been no systematic investigations into the suitability of the test sand to be used with respect to the influence of its natural alkali reactivity on the concrete tests. The influence of quartzitic sands on the test results was examined in a research project promoted by the AiF (Federation of Industrial Research Associations) with the aid of investigations carried out on test sands and the mortars and concretes produced from them using alkali- reactive and inert chippings. The aim was to discover the actual importance of any possible sources of error in the test methods currently used in order not only to assess the need for tests on the sand fraction but also to avoid false evaluations of aggregates or concrete compositions with respect to their harmful alkali-silica reactions. The results of the research project confirm that the influence of uncrushed quartzitic sand on a harmful alkali-silica reaction in concrete is comparatively slight. Separate testing of this constituent can be dispensed with if the coarse aggregate has been adequately characterized in accordance with the provisions of the Alkali Guidelines.
Part 3 of the Alkali Guidelines “Preventive measures against harmful alkali reactions in concrete” issued by the German Committee for Structural Concrete provides for the testing of aggregates in mortars and concretes in which the grading curve of the particulate material to be tested has to be supplemented with an “inert” sand. So far there have been no systematic investigations into the suitability of the test sand to be used with respect to the influence of its natural alkali reactivity on the concrete tests. The influence of quartzitic sands on the test results was examined in a research project promoted by the AiF (Federation of Industrial Research Associations) with the aid of investigations carried out on test sands and the mortars and concretes produced from them using alkali- reactive and inert chippings. The aim was to discover the actual importance of any possible sources of error in the test methods currently used in order not only to assess the need for tests on the sand fraction but also to avoid false evaluations of aggregates or concrete compositions with respect to their harmful alkali-silica reactions. The results of the research project confirm that the influence of uncrushed quartzitic sand on a harmful alkali-silica reaction in concrete is comparatively slight. Separate testing of this constituent can be dispensed with if the coarse aggregate has been adequately characterized in accordance with the provisions of the Alkali Guidelines.
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