- Verlag Bau + Technik
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Neubau der Nordumgehung Bad Oeynhausen
Gestaltungskonzept für Ingenieurbauwerke
Kind-Barkauskas, Friedbert
Die Verkehrssituation von Bad Oeynhausen ist geprägt durch die Lage nordwestlich der Bundesautobahnen A 2 Dortmund – Hannover und den Anschluss der westlich von Osnabrück kommenden A 30. Zwischen den Autobahndreiecken Löhne im Westen und Bad Oeynhausen im Osten verläuft die A 30 im Werretal dem Flusslauf folgend direkt durch das Stadtgebiet des bekannten Kurorts. Für die geplante Umgehung sind in der Vergangenheit unterschiedliche nördlich oder südlich verlaufende Trassen und sogar eine Tunnelvariante diskutiert worden. Nach dem Beschluss zur Planfeststellung für die Nordumgehung der A 30, die sich als wirtschaftlichste und auch in einem überschaubaren Zeitrahmen machbare Lösung erwiesen hatte, sind im Auftrag des Landesbetriebs Straßenbau Nordrhein-Westfalen, Niederlassung Minden in einem beschränkt offenen Ideenwettbewerb Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten für die geplanten 29 Ingenieurbauwerke mit bestmöglicher Einbindung in die umgebende Landschaft erarbeitet worden. Der Beitrag schildert die planerischen Randbedingungen und die gestalterische Umsetzung.
Construction of the new northern bypass for Bad Oeynhausen.
The traffic situation in Bad Oeynhausen is shaped by its position north-west of the A 2 Dortmund-Hannover motorway and the junction of the A 30 coming from Osnabrück in the west. Between the motorway junctions of Löhne in the west and Bad Oeynhausen in the east the A 30 passes directly through the urban area of the well-known health resort following the course of the river in the Werre valley. Various routes running to the north or south and even a tunnel variant have been discussed in the past for the planned bypass. After adoption of the planning approval for the northern A 30 bypass, which had proved to be the most cost-effective solution and one that could also be implemented within a reasonable time frame, possible designs for the 29 planned civil engineering structures with optimum integration into the surrounding landscape have been worked out at the request of the Road Construction Department of North Rhine-Westphalia, Minden branch, in a restricted ideas competition. The article describes the design constraints and the way the project is being implemented.
Construction of the new northern bypass for Bad Oeynhausen.
The traffic situation in Bad Oeynhausen is shaped by its position north-west of the A 2 Dortmund-Hannover motorway and the junction of the A 30 coming from Osnabrück in the west. Between the motorway junctions of Löhne in the west and Bad Oeynhausen in the east the A 30 passes directly through the urban area of the well-known health resort following the course of the river in the Werre valley. Various routes running to the north or south and even a tunnel variant have been discussed in the past for the planned bypass. After adoption of the planning approval for the northern A 30 bypass, which had proved to be the most cost-effective solution and one that could also be implemented within a reasonable time frame, possible designs for the 29 planned civil engineering structures with optimum integration into the surrounding landscape have been worked out at the request of the Road Construction Department of North Rhine-Westphalia, Minden branch, in a restricted ideas competition. The article describes the design constraints and the way the project is being implemented.
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