- Verlag Bau + Technik
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Beton mit erhöhtem Säurewiderstand für ein Schleusenbauwerk in der Lausitz
Anfordungen, Prüfungen und Bauausführung
Böing, Raymund / Bolzmann, Peter / Hüttl, Roland / Rieck, Carsten
Im ehemaligen Lausitzer Braunkohlenrevier entsteht im Rahmen der Rekultivierung eine Seenlandschaft mit 21 touristisch nutzbaren Seen. Als Verbindung zwischen zwei Seen war eine Schleuse mit Fischtreppe zu bauen. Wegen des sehr sauren Seewassers – pH-Werte zwischen 2,7 und 2,9 – und dem damit verbundenen sehr stark lösenden Angriff auf den Beton, waren besondere betontechnologische Maßnahmen zu ergreifen. Umfangreiche Laboruntersuchungen und eine gutachterliche Begleitung führten zu einem Beton mit erhöhtem Säurewiderstand, der erfolgreich im Schleusenbauwerk zum Einsatz kam. Hierdurch konnte auf einen zusätzlichen kostspieligen Schutz des Betons durch z.B. eine Beschichtung verzichtet werden. Der Beitrag beschreibt die besonderen Anforderungen an den Beton sowie die zum Entwurf des Spezialbetons zusätzlichen Prüfungen, deren Ergebnisse und die Beurteilung.
Concrete with increased acid resistance for a lock in Lusatia
A lakeland area with 21 lakes is being created as a tourist attraction in the former brown coalfield in Lusatia as part of the recultivation. A lock with fish ladder had to be built to link two lakes. Special concrete technology measures were needed because of the very acidic water in the lakes – pH values between 2.7 and 2.9 – and the resultant highly aggressive attack on the concrete. Extensive laboratory investigations together with advice from a consultant led to a concrete with increased acid resistance that was used successfully in the lock. This made it possible to dispense with additional expensive protection, such as a coating, for the concrete. The article describes the special demands made on the concrete and the additional tests for designing the special concrete, as well as their results and evaluation.
Concrete with increased acid resistance for a lock in Lusatia
A lakeland area with 21 lakes is being created as a tourist attraction in the former brown coalfield in Lusatia as part of the recultivation. A lock with fish ladder had to be built to link two lakes. Special concrete technology measures were needed because of the very acidic water in the lakes – pH values between 2.7 and 2.9 – and the resultant highly aggressive attack on the concrete. Extensive laboratory investigations together with advice from a consultant led to a concrete with increased acid resistance that was used successfully in the lock. This made it possible to dispense with additional expensive protection, such as a coating, for the concrete. The article describes the special demands made on the concrete and the additional tests for designing the special concrete, as well as their results and evaluation.
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bis beton 4/2022: Verlag Bau+Technik GmbH
ab beton 5/2022: Concrete Content UG
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