- Verlag Bau + Technik
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Erfahrungen mit dem Eimerverfahren zur Bestimmung der Blutneigung von Beton
Anmerkungen zu dem DBV-Merkblatt
Kiltz, Denis / Siebert, Björn
Die Neigung von Beton zur Wasserabsonderung an der Oberfläche infolge Sedimentation von Feststoffen (Bluten) ist für einen reibungslosen Bauablauf und das zielsichere Erreichen der Anforderungen, die an ein Betonbauwerk gestellt werden, eine wesentliche Eigenschaft. Über viele Jahre existierte keine einheitliche Prüfvorschrift für ein Verfahren, mit dem sich das Bluten von Beton unter Baustellenbedingungen quantitativ erfassen lässt. Die vorhandenen Methoden in diesem Bereich waren im Wesentlichen auf Laborverfahren beschränkt, die für den Einsatz auf der Baustelle nicht geeignet waren. Deshalb beauftragte der Hauptausschuss Baustofftechnik des Deutschen Beton- und Bautechnik-Vereins E.V. (DBV) einen Arbeitskreis damit, ein praxistaugliches Verfahren zu erarbeiten, mit dem sich die Blutneigung einer Betonprobe qualitativ und quantitativ bestimmen lässt. Ergebnis war das so genannte „Bluteimerverfahren“, das im DBV-Merkblatt „Besondere Verfahren zur Prüfung von Frischbeton“, Ausgabe 2007, ausführlich beschrieben ist. Seit der Veröffentlichung hat sich dieses Verfahren in der Praxis bewährt und als robust erwiesen. Es ist jedoch darauf zu achten, dass die darin enthaltenen Vorgaben zur Versuchsdurchführung für Vergleiche mit anderen Untersuchungen oder Anhaltswerten zwingend eingehalten werden, insbesondere das Prüfintervall von (60 ± 5) Minuten. Neuere Untersuchungen der TU Kaiserslautern haben dies im Wesentlichen bestätigt. Es wurde zudem aufgezeigt, dass die Steifigkeit des verwendeten Eimers einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die ermittelte Blutwassermenge hat. Der zu verwendende Eimer bzw. Eimertyp sollte deswegen vor Anwendung des Prüfverfahrens zwischen allen Beteiligten abgestimmt werden. Die in dem Merkblatt enthaltenen Erfahrungswerte der maximalen Blutwassermenge sind als Anhaltswerte zu verstehen. Es wird daher empfohlen, auf Basis dieser Anhaltswerte sinnvolle Grenzwerte der Blutwassermenge unter Berücksichtigung der speziellen Randbedingungen des relevanten Bauteils bzw. Bauvorhabens zwischen Betonlieferant und Betonverwender abzustimmen.
Experience with the bucket method for determining the tendency of concrete to bleed
The tendency of concrete to secrete water at the surface (bleeding) due to sedimentation of solids is an important property with respect to obtaining a smooth construction sequence and for dependable achievement of the demands that are placed on a concrete structure. For many years there was no consistent test specification for a method by which the bleeding of concrete could be measured quantitatively under construction site conditions. The existing methods in this field were essentially confined to laboratory methods that were not suitable for use on construction sites. The main Construction Materials Technology Committee of the DBV (German Concrete and Construction Technology Association) therefore commissioned a working group to develop a practical method with which the tendency of a concrete sample to bleed could be determined qualitatively and quantitatively. The result was the “bucket method”, which is described in detail in the DBV code of practice entitled “Special methods for testing fresh concrete”, issued in 2007. Since its publication this method has proved successful in practice and shown itself to be robust. However, care should be taken to comply strictly with its guidelines for carrying out the test for comparisons with other investigations or reference values, in particular the test interval of 60 ± 5 minutes. This has been basically confirmed by recent investigations at Kaiserslautern Technical University. It was also shown that the stiffness of the bucket used has a significant influence on the quantity of bleed water measured. The bucket or type of bucket to be used should therefore be agreed by all those involved before the test method is applied. The empirical values for the maximum quantity of bleed water given in the code of practice should be regarded as reference values. It is therefore recommended that these reference values should be used by the concrete supplier and concrete user as the basis for agreeing appropriate limits for the quantity of bleed water, bearing in mind the specific conditions of the relevant component or construction project.
Experience with the bucket method for determining the tendency of concrete to bleed
The tendency of concrete to secrete water at the surface (bleeding) due to sedimentation of solids is an important property with respect to obtaining a smooth construction sequence and for dependable achievement of the demands that are placed on a concrete structure. For many years there was no consistent test specification for a method by which the bleeding of concrete could be measured quantitatively under construction site conditions. The existing methods in this field were essentially confined to laboratory methods that were not suitable for use on construction sites. The main Construction Materials Technology Committee of the DBV (German Concrete and Construction Technology Association) therefore commissioned a working group to develop a practical method with which the tendency of a concrete sample to bleed could be determined qualitatively and quantitatively. The result was the “bucket method”, which is described in detail in the DBV code of practice entitled “Special methods for testing fresh concrete”, issued in 2007. Since its publication this method has proved successful in practice and shown itself to be robust. However, care should be taken to comply strictly with its guidelines for carrying out the test for comparisons with other investigations or reference values, in particular the test interval of 60 ± 5 minutes. This has been basically confirmed by recent investigations at Kaiserslautern Technical University. It was also shown that the stiffness of the bucket used has a significant influence on the quantity of bleed water measured. The bucket or type of bucket to be used should therefore be agreed by all those involved before the test method is applied. The empirical values for the maximum quantity of bleed water given in the code of practice should be regarded as reference values. It is therefore recommended that these reference values should be used by the concrete supplier and concrete user as the basis for agreeing appropriate limits for the quantity of bleed water, bearing in mind the specific conditions of the relevant component or construction project.
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