- Verlag Bau + Technik
- Eintrag
Langzeitentwicklung der Rohdichte, der Druckfestigkeit und des Elastizitätsmoduls von Hochleistungsleichtbeton
Untersuchungen nach 19-jähriger Lagerung
Welsch, Torsten / Schnellenbach-Held, Martina / Held, Markus
Für den Neubau des Bürogebäudes „Kai-Center“ in Düsseldorf wurde 1995 erstmalig Hochleistungsleichtbeton (High Performance Lightweight Aggregate Concrete, HPLWAC) der Festigkeitsklasse LC35/38 mit einer Trockenrohdichte von nur 1333 kg/m³ in Deutschland eingesetzt. Zur baubegleitenden Überprüfung der Betoneigenschaften wurde damals eine Probewand betoniert, die unter den gleichen Bedingungen hergestellt wurde wie die aus Hochleistungsleichtbeton hergestellten Wandabschnitte des Gebäudes. Nach nunmehr 19-jähriger Lagerung dieser Probewand unter verschiedenen klimatischen Bedingungen wurden daran erneut Untersuchungen von Betoneigenschaften durchgeführt. In dem Beitrag werden die aktuellen Ergebnisse dieser Versuche erläutert und den Kennwerten des eingesetzten HPLWAC aus dem Jahr 1995 gegenübergestellt. Dabei wurde festgestellt, dass die Trockenrohdichte ca. 200 kg/m³ größer war als im Jahr 1995 und sich der Festbetonrohdichte weitgehend angeglichen hat. Dies kann mit der chemischen Bindung des ursprünglich nur physikalisch gespeicherten Wassers begründet werden, die aus der sogenannten „inneren Nachbehandlung“ resultiert. Diese führte jedoch nicht zu einer Nacherhärtung des Leichtbetons, was mit der Begrenzung der Leichtbetondruckfestigkeit durch die minderfesten Leichtzuschläge erklärt werden kann. Die Nacherhärtung der Matrix bleibt demnach ohne signifikanten Einfluss auf die Langzeitentwicklung der Leichtbetondruckfestigkeit. Der ermittelte Elastizitätsmodul zeigt gegenüber dem Wert aus dem Jahr 1995 keine signifikanten Abweichungen, sodass auch hier keine nennenswerten Einflüsse des Bauteilalters erkennbar werden. Das Projekt „Kai-Center“ demonstriert, dass Hochleistungsleichtbeton aufgrund seines geringen Gewichts hervorragend dazu geeignet ist, architektonische Ideen umzusetzen. Dabei ist zu beachten, dass für die Ermittlung des Berechnungsgewichts nicht die Trockenrohdichte herangezogen werden kann. Die in diesem Beitrag beschriebene Langzeitentwicklung der Rohdichte von Hochleistungsleichtbeton belegt die bereits 1995 formulierte These, dass die Trockenrohdichte um ca. 200 kg/m³ erhöht werden muss, um ein realistisches Berechnungsgewicht zu erhalten.
Long-term changes in bulk density, compressive strength and elastic modulus of high performance lightweight aggregate concrete
High performance lightweight aggregate concrete (HPLWAC) of the LC35/38 strength class with a dry bulk density of only 1333 kg/mwas used for the first time in Germany in 1995 for the construction of the new “Kai Center” office building in Düsseldorf. A test wall produced under the same conditions as the sections of wall of the building built with high performance lightweight aggregate concrete was cast at the same time to check the concrete properties during construction. Investigations into the concrete properties were carried out again after this test wall had been stored for 19 years under various climatic conditions. The current results of these trials are discussed in this article and compared with the characteristic values of the HPLWAC obtained in 1995. It was established that the dry bulk density was about 200 kg/mgreater than in 1995 and is substantially the same as the bulk density of the hardened concrete. This can be attributed to the chemical bonding (as the result of “internal curing”) of the water that originally was only retained physically. However, this did not lead to any secondary hardening of the lightweight concrete, which can be explained by the restriction of the lightweight concrete compressive strength due the low-strength lightweight aggregates. This means that the secondary hardening of the matrix has no significant influence on the long-term change in compressive strength of the lightweight concrete. The elastic modulus measured showed no significant deviations from the 1995 values, so here again no appreciable effects of the age of the component could be detected. The “Kai Center” project demonstrates that, because of its low weight, high performance lightweight aggregate concrete is highly suitable for implementing architectural ideas. However, it should be borne in mind that the dry bulk density cannot be used for determining the design weight. The long-term change in bulk density of high performance lightweight aggregate concrete described in this article confirms the assumption already formulated in 1995 that the dry bulk density must be increased by about 200 kg/mto obtain a realistic design weight.
Long-term changes in bulk density, compressive strength and elastic modulus of high performance lightweight aggregate concrete
High performance lightweight aggregate concrete (HPLWAC) of the LC35/38 strength class with a dry bulk density of only 1333 kg/mwas used for the first time in Germany in 1995 for the construction of the new “Kai Center” office building in Düsseldorf. A test wall produced under the same conditions as the sections of wall of the building built with high performance lightweight aggregate concrete was cast at the same time to check the concrete properties during construction. Investigations into the concrete properties were carried out again after this test wall had been stored for 19 years under various climatic conditions. The current results of these trials are discussed in this article and compared with the characteristic values of the HPLWAC obtained in 1995. It was established that the dry bulk density was about 200 kg/mgreater than in 1995 and is substantially the same as the bulk density of the hardened concrete. This can be attributed to the chemical bonding (as the result of “internal curing”) of the water that originally was only retained physically. However, this did not lead to any secondary hardening of the lightweight concrete, which can be explained by the restriction of the lightweight concrete compressive strength due the low-strength lightweight aggregates. This means that the secondary hardening of the matrix has no significant influence on the long-term change in compressive strength of the lightweight concrete. The elastic modulus measured showed no significant deviations from the 1995 values, so here again no appreciable effects of the age of the component could be detected. The “Kai Center” project demonstrates that, because of its low weight, high performance lightweight aggregate concrete is highly suitable for implementing architectural ideas. However, it should be borne in mind that the dry bulk density cannot be used for determining the design weight. The long-term change in bulk density of high performance lightweight aggregate concrete described in this article confirms the assumption already formulated in 1995 that the dry bulk density must be increased by about 200 kg/mto obtain a realistic design weight.
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