- Verlag Bau + Technik
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Betonmischanlagen 2024
Entwicklungen und Tendenzen
Kotzan, Holger
Die Herstellung hochwertiger Betone gelingt nur mit hochwertigen Betonmischanlagen. Die Betontechnologie hat in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten eine rasante Entwicklung durchlaufen. Das Erfolgsrezept der Hightech-Betone beruht aber nicht nur auf einer verbesserten Betontechnologie, es ist auch ganz wesentlich der Weiterentwicklung der Maschinentechnik zu verdanken. Bei der Betonbereitung kommt nicht nur der gleichmäßigen Verteilung dieser Ausgangsstoffe eine große Bedeutung zu, sondern auch der effektiven Nutzung von Zement und Zusatzstoffen. Insgesamt hat sich die Komplexität der Mischaufgaben im Betonbereitungsprozess deutlich erhöht. Zur entsprechenden Leistungssteigerung der Betonmischanlagen hat die enge Zusammenarbeit von Betonanlagenherstellern und Komponentenzulieferern mit Maschinenbauinstituten an Technischen Hochschulen maßgeblich beigetragen. Moderne Betonwerke sind heute technisch hoch entwickelte Fabrikationsstätten. Der Beitrag gibt eine Übersicht über aktuelle Entwicklungen und Tendenzen.
Market overview of concrete mixing plants 2024
The production of high-quality concrete is only possible with highquality concrete mixing plants. Concrete technology has undergone rapid development in recent decades. However, the recipe for success of high-tech concretes is not only based on improved concrete technology, it is also largely due to the further development of machine technology. When preparing concrete, it is not only the even distribution of these raw materials that is of great importance, but also the effective utilisation of cement and additives. Overall, the complexity of mixing tasks in the concrete preparation process has increased significantly. The close co-operation between concrete plant manufacturers and component suppliers with mechanical engineering institutes at technical universities has contributed significantly to the corresponding increase in the performance of concrete mixing plants. Today, modern concrete plants are technically highly developed production facilities. The contribution provides an overview of current developments and trends.
Market overview of concrete mixing plants 2024
The production of high-quality concrete is only possible with highquality concrete mixing plants. Concrete technology has undergone rapid development in recent decades. However, the recipe for success of high-tech concretes is not only based on improved concrete technology, it is also largely due to the further development of machine technology. When preparing concrete, it is not only the even distribution of these raw materials that is of great importance, but also the effective utilisation of cement and additives. Overall, the complexity of mixing tasks in the concrete preparation process has increased significantly. The close co-operation between concrete plant manufacturers and component suppliers with mechanical engineering institutes at technical universities has contributed significantly to the corresponding increase in the performance of concrete mixing plants. Today, modern concrete plants are technically highly developed production facilities. The contribution provides an overview of current developments and trends.
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beton 9/2024 ab Seite 336
Herausgeber des Artikels:
bis beton 4/2022: Verlag Bau+Technik GmbH
ab beton 5/2022: Concrete Content UG
Wuppertal / Schermbeck
Tel: +49 (0) 2 02 7 69 92 69
Fax: +49 (0) 2 02 7 69 92 70
bis beton 4/2022: Verlag Bau+Technik GmbH
ab beton 5/2022: Concrete Content UG
Wuppertal / Schermbeck
Tel: +49 (0) 2 02 7 69 92 69
Fax: +49 (0) 2 02 7 69 92 70