- Verlag Bau + Technik
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Konsistenzhaltung von Frischbeton mit Glenium Sky 900: Ein neues Konzept für flexible Lösungen
Wirkungsweise und erste Praxiserfahrungen
Dittmar, Sebastian / König, Ronald / Hauck, Hans Günter
Die Entwicklung hochwirksamer Fließmittel auf der Basis von Polycarboxylatethern (PCE) in Japan vor mehr als 20 Jahren bildete die Grundlage für eine Vielzahl von Entwicklungen in der Betontechnologie. Aufgrund ihres chemischen Aufbaus bieten diese Fließmittel dem Betontechnologen seither eine Reihe faszinierender Möglichkeiten. Im Fertigteilwerk haben selbstverdichtende Betone mit hohen Frühfestigkeiten in vielen Bereichen die lärmenden Rüttler überflüssig gemacht.Beim Transportbeton können Betone auch mit niedrigen Wasserzementwerten zielsicher hergestellt und vor Ort problemlos eingebaut werden. Das früher notwendige Einstellen der Verarbeitungskonsistenz durch Fließmitteldosierung auf der Baustelle ist im Regelfall überflüssig geworden. Schwankende Ausgangsstoffe, starke Temperaturunterschiede, längere Fahrzeiten infolge hoher Verkehrsbelastung in Ballungsräumen und andere, nicht unvorhergesehene Einflussfaktoren, können aber auch heute noch zu einer ungewollten Konsistenzbeeinflussung führen und den Frischbeton an die Grenze seiner Leistungsfähigkeit bringen. Traditionelle PCE-Technologie bietet bisher stets eine Kombination der zwei wichtigsten PCE-Eigenschaften Verflüssigung und Konsistenzhaltung in einem Produkt. Eine sichere Konsistenzhaltung ist mit diesem herkömmlichen Ansatz nicht immer zu gewährleisten. Der in dem Beitrag vorgestellte neuartige Konsistenzhalter Glenium Sky 900 erzielt seine Wirksamkeit durch die gezielte Vermeidung der Adsorption an den Zementpartikeln innerhalb der ersten rund 15 Minuten nach Zugabe des Zusatzmittels. Die strikte Trennung von Verflüssigung und Konsistenzhaltung durch einen Zwei-Komponentenansatz ermöglicht außerdem eine wesentlich effektivere Einflussnahme auf den Erhalt der Verarbeitungseigenschaften insbesondere von schwierigen Betonrezepturen und bei hohen Temperaturen.
Retaining the consistency of fresh concrete with Glenium Sky 900; a new approach for flexible solutions
The development of highly effective superplasticizers based on polycarboxylate ethers (PCEs) in Japan more than 20 years ago formed the basis for a large number of developments in concrete technology. Because of their chemical structure these superplasticizers have offered concrete technologists a series of fascinating options. Self compacting concretes with high early strengths have made noisy vibrators superfluous in many areas of precast component plants. Ready-mixed concretes can also be produced dependably with low water-cement ratios and placed on site without any problems. As a rule, the adjustment of the workability consistency by adding superplasticizers at the construction site that used to be necessary has become superfluous. However, fluctuating starting materials, severe temperature differences, longer journey times as a result of greater traffic congestion in built-up areas and other, not unexpected, influencing factors can still have an undesirable influence on the consistency and limit the performance of fresh concretes. So far, traditional PCE technology has always offered a combination of the two most important PCE properties, namely plasticizing and retention of consistency, in one product. Retaining the consistency reliably is not always possible with this traditional approach. Glenium Sky 900, the new type of consistency retainer presented in this article, achieves its effectiveness by specifically avoiding adsorption on the cement particles within about the first 15 minutes after addition of the admixture. Strict separation of the plasticizing effect and the retention of consistency by using a two-component approach also makes it possible to have a substantially more effective influence on retaining the workability properties, especially with difficult concrete mix formulations and high temperatures.
Retaining the consistency of fresh concrete with Glenium Sky 900; a new approach for flexible solutions
The development of highly effective superplasticizers based on polycarboxylate ethers (PCEs) in Japan more than 20 years ago formed the basis for a large number of developments in concrete technology. Because of their chemical structure these superplasticizers have offered concrete technologists a series of fascinating options. Self compacting concretes with high early strengths have made noisy vibrators superfluous in many areas of precast component plants. Ready-mixed concretes can also be produced dependably with low water-cement ratios and placed on site without any problems. As a rule, the adjustment of the workability consistency by adding superplasticizers at the construction site that used to be necessary has become superfluous. However, fluctuating starting materials, severe temperature differences, longer journey times as a result of greater traffic congestion in built-up areas and other, not unexpected, influencing factors can still have an undesirable influence on the consistency and limit the performance of fresh concretes. So far, traditional PCE technology has always offered a combination of the two most important PCE properties, namely plasticizing and retention of consistency, in one product. Retaining the consistency reliably is not always possible with this traditional approach. Glenium Sky 900, the new type of consistency retainer presented in this article, achieves its effectiveness by specifically avoiding adsorption on the cement particles within about the first 15 minutes after addition of the admixture. Strict separation of the plasticizing effect and the retention of consistency by using a two-component approach also makes it possible to have a substantially more effective influence on retaining the workability properties, especially with difficult concrete mix formulations and high temperatures.
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