- Verlag Bau + Technik
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Technische Ausstattung und aktuelle Einsätze
Betonpumpen und Verteilermaste
Sonnenberg, Richard
Betonpumpen und Betonverteilersysteme verrichten im Hoch-, Tief- oder Ingenieurbau zuverlässig und wirtschaftlich ihre Arbeit. Sie fördern den Beton von geringen Liefermengen bis hin zu Massenbeton für Großbaustellen sauber, präzise und mit kleiner Bedienmannschaft äußerst wirtschaftlich. Die durchschnittlich gepumpte Menge pro Jahr und Pumpe liegt bei etwa 10000 m³ Beton. Ausschlaggebendes Kriterium bei der Beschaffung einer Betonpumpe sind neben der Pumpmenge die Förderweite und Förderhöhe. Bei Autobetonpumpen reichen die Verteilermaste bis über 60 m, stationäre Baustellenpumpen schaffen Förderhöhen über 600 m. Die wirtschaftlichen Lösungen für höchste Ansprüche bei der Förderung und dem Einbau von Frischbeton setzten eine ganzheitliche Abstimmung von Pumpen, Verteilermasten, Systemtechnik, Beratung bei der Einsatzplanung und zuverlässigen Service voraus. Nur unter diesen Voraussetzungen ist es möglich, dass heute Autobetonpumpen mit ihren Verteilermasten Beton bis über 60 m pumpen und stationäre Baustellenpumpen in der Lage sind, den Beton kontinuierlich auf Reichhöhen über 600 m zu fördern. Der Beitrag berichtet über das Marktangebot und Einsätze auf aktuellen Baustellen.
Concrete pumps and distribution masts: technical equipment and current applications
Concrete pumps and concrete distribution systems perform their work reliably and economically in building construction, civil engineering and structural engineering. They transport the concrete, ranging from small deliveries to mass concrete for major building sites, cleanly, accurately and extremely economically with a small operating team. The average quantity pumped per year and per pump is about 10000 m3 concrete. The critical criteria when purchasing a concrete pump include not only the quantity to be pumped but also the distance to be covered and the lift height. With self-propelled concrete pumps the distribution masts reach up to over 60 m, and static building site pumps can achieve lift heights of over 600 m. Cost-effective solutions to meet the toughest demands when transporting and placing fresh concrete require integrated matching of pumps, distribution masts, system technology, advice when planning the application and reliable after-sales service. Only if these preconditions are fulfilled is it now possible for self-propelled concrete pumps with their distribution masts to pump concrete up to more then 60 m and static building site pumps to convey concrete continuously to heights of over 600 m. The article reports on what is available in the market and the current applications on building sites.
Concrete pumps and distribution masts: technical equipment and current applications
Concrete pumps and concrete distribution systems perform their work reliably and economically in building construction, civil engineering and structural engineering. They transport the concrete, ranging from small deliveries to mass concrete for major building sites, cleanly, accurately and extremely economically with a small operating team. The average quantity pumped per year and per pump is about 10000 m3 concrete. The critical criteria when purchasing a concrete pump include not only the quantity to be pumped but also the distance to be covered and the lift height. With self-propelled concrete pumps the distribution masts reach up to over 60 m, and static building site pumps can achieve lift heights of over 600 m. Cost-effective solutions to meet the toughest demands when transporting and placing fresh concrete require integrated matching of pumps, distribution masts, system technology, advice when planning the application and reliable after-sales service. Only if these preconditions are fulfilled is it now possible for self-propelled concrete pumps with their distribution masts to pump concrete up to more then 60 m and static building site pumps to convey concrete continuously to heights of over 600 m. The article reports on what is available in the market and the current applications on building sites.
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beton 7.8/2011 ab Seite 262
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bis beton 4/2022: Verlag Bau+Technik GmbH
ab beton 5/2022: Concrete Content UG
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Tel: +49 (0) 2 02 7 69 92 69
Fax: +49 (0) 2 02 7 69 92 70