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Praxistest ultrahochfester Beton im Transportbetonwerk
Zusammenfassung eines Forschungsvorhabens
Aßbrock, Olaf / Böing, Raymund / Rothenbacher, Werner / Stein, Klaus / Winzer, Reinhard
Seit einiger Zeit stehen auch ultrahochfeste Betone (UHFB) mit Druckfestigkeiten über 120 N/mmbis 200 N/mm² immer wieder im Fokus der Forschung. In Transportbetonwerken werden solche Betone bislang nicht hergestellt. Ein von der Forschungsgemeinschaft Transportbeton e.V. (FTB) initiiertes Forschungsvorhaben sollte klären, inwieweit nach derzeitigem Standard ausgerüstete Anlagen in der Lage sind, UHFB herzustellen. Dabei wurde in Praxisversuchen nicht nur die Mischtechnik mit verschiedenen Mischertypen berücksichtigt, auch die Anlagenkapazität bezüglich Lagerung und Dosierung der Ausgangsstoffe, sowie Dosierreihenfolge, Transport und Förderung des ultrahochfesten Betons wurden betrachtet. Die Untersuchungen sollten insbesondere aufzeigen, wie künftige Anlagen zur serienmäßigen Herstellung von ultrahochfestem Beton konzipiert sein müssen. Darüber hinaus wurde eine Kostenschätzung für die zusätzlichen Komponenten einer solchen Pilotanlage erstellt. Ultrahochfester Beton ist im Transportbetonwerk zielsicher herstellbar. Das ist ein zentrales Ergebnis der vorgestellten Untersuchungen. Die untersuchten Anlagensysteme können ohne Änderung der Anlagenausstattung genutzt werden, wenn es sich um kleinere Produktionsmengen oder Einzelaufträge handelt. Dabei wird dann eine manuelle Dosierung von Ausgangsstoffen erforderlich sein. Diese Dosierung stellt jedoch erhöhte Anforderungen an die Arbeitssicherheit. Die Anlagenkapazität ist dabei deutlich reduziert. Die Anforderungen an die Dokumentation der werkseigenen Produktionskontrolle sind unter Umständen über handschriftliche Aufzeichnungen zu erfüllen. Für eine kontinuierliche Herstellung größerer Mengen in einer vollautomatischen Prozesskette sind jedoch zusätzliche Investitionen notwendig. Dies bedeutet Modifizierungen im Bereich der Anlagensteuerung sowie der Zuführungs- und Dosierungseinrichtungen und der Lagerkapazitäten. Der Umfang der erforderlichen Anpassungen ist abhängig von der Art und Anzahl der eingesetzten Ausgangsstoffe. Aus den Versuchsergebnissen wurden Hinweise für Anlagenmodifikationen abgeleitet und in einer Tafel übersichtlich zusammengefasst. Ein beispielhaftes Anlagenschema einschließlich einer Abschätzung der Kosten verdeutlichen die vorgeschlagenen Modifikationen. Auch der Transport des Betons und das Pumpen konnte in den Untersuchungen unter realistischen Bedingungen getestet werden. Transportzeiten bis 90 min und Pumpzeiten bis 20 min wurden erreicht. Modifikationen an den eingesetzten Fahrmischern und Betonpumpen waren nicht erforderlich.
Practical testing of ultra high strength concrete in a ready-mixed concrete plant
Recent research work has focused repeatedly on ultra high strength concretes with compressive strengths of over 120 N/mmto 200 N/mm. Such concretes have not yet been produced in ready-mixed concrete plants. A research project initiated by the FTB (Ready-mixed Concrete Research Association) was intended to clarify the extent to which plants equipped to cope with current standards are capable of producing ultra high strength concretes. Not only was the mixing technology taken into account in the practical trials with different types of mixer but the plant capacity was also considered with respect to storage and metering of the constituents as well the metering sequence, transport and handling of the ultra high strength concrete. In particular, the investigations were intended to show how future plants for standard production of ultra high strength concrete must be designed. An estimate of the costs for the additional components for such a pilot plant was also compiled. The main result of these investigations was that ultra high strength concrete can be produced dependably in ready-mixed concrete plants. The plant systems examined could be used without any alterations to the equipment if fairly small production quantities or individual orders were involved. This requires manual metering of the constituents. However, this metering places increased demands on occupational safety and the plant capacity is significantly reduced. Under some circumstances the documentary requirements for in-house production checks would have to be met by handwritten records. Continuous production of large quantities in a fully automatic process sequence would require additional investment. This means modifications to the plant control as well as to the feed and metering equipment and the storage facilities. The extent of the requisite adaptations depends on the nature and number of the constituents used. Advice for plant modifications has been drawn from the results of the trial and summarized in a clear table. The recommended modifications are illustrated in an example of a plant layout, including an estimate of the costs. The transport and pumping of the concrete were also tested in the investigation under realistic conditions. Transport times of up to 90 minutes and pumping times of up to 20 minutes were achieved. The truck mixers and concrete pumps used did not require any modifications.
Practical testing of ultra high strength concrete in a ready-mixed concrete plant
Recent research work has focused repeatedly on ultra high strength concretes with compressive strengths of over 120 N/mmto 200 N/mm. Such concretes have not yet been produced in ready-mixed concrete plants. A research project initiated by the FTB (Ready-mixed Concrete Research Association) was intended to clarify the extent to which plants equipped to cope with current standards are capable of producing ultra high strength concretes. Not only was the mixing technology taken into account in the practical trials with different types of mixer but the plant capacity was also considered with respect to storage and metering of the constituents as well the metering sequence, transport and handling of the ultra high strength concrete. In particular, the investigations were intended to show how future plants for standard production of ultra high strength concrete must be designed. An estimate of the costs for the additional components for such a pilot plant was also compiled. The main result of these investigations was that ultra high strength concrete can be produced dependably in ready-mixed concrete plants. The plant systems examined could be used without any alterations to the equipment if fairly small production quantities or individual orders were involved. This requires manual metering of the constituents. However, this metering places increased demands on occupational safety and the plant capacity is significantly reduced. Under some circumstances the documentary requirements for in-house production checks would have to be met by handwritten records. Continuous production of large quantities in a fully automatic process sequence would require additional investment. This means modifications to the plant control as well as to the feed and metering equipment and the storage facilities. The extent of the requisite adaptations depends on the nature and number of the constituents used. Advice for plant modifications has been drawn from the results of the trial and summarized in a clear table. The recommended modifications are illustrated in an example of a plant layout, including an estimate of the costs. The transport and pumping of the concrete were also tested in the investigation under realistic conditions. Transport times of up to 90 minutes and pumping times of up to 20 minutes were achieved. The truck mixers and concrete pumps used did not require any modifications.
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bis beton 4/2022: Verlag Bau+Technik GmbH
ab beton 5/2022: Concrete Content UG
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