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Betonböden: Notwendigkeit der Klassifizierung und besonderer Baustoffanforderungen
Industrie- und Produktionshallen
Ebeling, Karsten
Betonböden für Industrie- und Produktionshallen sind im Nutzungszustand erheblichen Beanspruchungen ausgesetzt. Die Anforderungen, die Betonbodenplatten hierbei erfüllen sollen, können sehr unterschiedlich sein und bedürfen einer Abstimmung mit den Vorstellungen des Bauherrn hinsichtlich der vorgesehenen Nutzung. Bauherrn sind aus bautechnischer Sicht vielfach Laien. Somit ist es wichtig, dass der Planer die Wünsche und Vorstellungen des Bauherrn in Bezug auf die vorgesehene Nutzung in technisch machbare Konzepte und Konstruktionen überführt und nicht erfüllbare Wunschvorstellungen rechtzeitig erkennt und deutlich macht. Das Versagen eines Betonbodens kann zu erheblichen Problemen beim Betriebsablauf führen bzw. schlimmstenfalls die Produktion zum Stillstand bringen. Hallenfußböden müssen daher gründlicher geplant werden, als dies häufig der Fall ist. Die Baupraxis zeigt, dass vielfach bereits in der Planung der Anfangspunkt für spätere Streitigkeiten zu finden ist, wenn wesentliche Klassifizierungen für die Weichenstellung der vorgesehenen Nutzung nicht ausreichend geklärt werden. Vielen Tragwerksplanern ist zudem nicht ausreichend bewusst, welche planerischen Anforderungen an die Qualität des Baustoffs Beton zu stellen sind. Die betontechnologischen Anforderungen für eine Betonbodenplatte gehen über übliche Bauaufgaben im Hochbau hinaus und sind notwendig, um Probleme bei der Betonverarbeitung, der Funktionsfähigkeit von Fugen und im Fahrbetrieb im Vorfeld zu vermeiden. Für Betonböden existieren in Deutschland keine eigenen DIN-Normen. Der Deutsche Beton- und Bautechnik-Verein hat zu dieser Thematik ein Merkblatt herausgegeben. Daneben gibt es eine Vielzahl von Veröffentlichungen zu diesem Thema, z.B. das Fachbuch „Betonböden für Produktions- und Lagerhallen“. Bedenkt man, dass ein Betonboden vielfach nichts anderes ist als eine Art Autobahn in einer Halle, so wird deutlich, dass viele Regelungen aus dem Betonstraßenbau auch auf Betonböden übertragbar sind. Der Beitrag soll Planende und Ausführende bei der Bauaufgabe „Industrieböden aus Beton“ unterstützen und die Bedeutung der Betonqualität hervorheben.
Concrete floors: the need for classification and special construction material requirements
Concrete floors for industrial and production halls are exposed to substantial stresses during use. The demands that the concrete floor slabs have to meet can be very varied and require coordination with the client’s ideas with regard to the intended use. Clients are often laymen with regard to structural engineering. It is therefore important that the planner transforms the client’s wishes and ideas for the intended use into technically feasible designs and structures and that he recognizes any impracticable wishful thinking and makes it clear in good time. The failure of a concrete floor can lead to major problems during an industrial process and in the worst case can bring production to a halt. Hall floors must therefore be designed more thoroughly than is often the case. Building practice shows that the starting point for later disputes often lies in the planning stage if essential classification of the intended uses has not been adequately clarified. Many designers of load-bearing structures are also not sufficiently aware of the design requirements that should be specified for the quality of the concrete as a construction material. The concrete technology requirements for a concrete floor slab go beyond the usual structural remits in building construction and are necessary so that problems with concrete placement, the functionality of joints and during operation can be avoided before they occur. There are no separate DIN standards in Germany for concrete floors. The German Concrete and Construction Engineering Association has issued a code of practice on this topic. There are also numerous publications on this subject, such as the textbook “Concrete floors for production and storage halls”. When it is considered that a concrete floor is often no different from a type of motorway in a hall then it is clear that many of the regulations from concrete road construction are also applicable to concrete floors. The article is intended to assist in the planning and implementation of the construction of industrial concrete floors and to emphasize the importance of the concrete quality.
Concrete floors: the need for classification and special construction material requirements
Concrete floors for industrial and production halls are exposed to substantial stresses during use. The demands that the concrete floor slabs have to meet can be very varied and require coordination with the client’s ideas with regard to the intended use. Clients are often laymen with regard to structural engineering. It is therefore important that the planner transforms the client’s wishes and ideas for the intended use into technically feasible designs and structures and that he recognizes any impracticable wishful thinking and makes it clear in good time. The failure of a concrete floor can lead to major problems during an industrial process and in the worst case can bring production to a halt. Hall floors must therefore be designed more thoroughly than is often the case. Building practice shows that the starting point for later disputes often lies in the planning stage if essential classification of the intended uses has not been adequately clarified. Many designers of load-bearing structures are also not sufficiently aware of the design requirements that should be specified for the quality of the concrete as a construction material. The concrete technology requirements for a concrete floor slab go beyond the usual structural remits in building construction and are necessary so that problems with concrete placement, the functionality of joints and during operation can be avoided before they occur. There are no separate DIN standards in Germany for concrete floors. The German Concrete and Construction Engineering Association has issued a code of practice on this topic. There are also numerous publications on this subject, such as the textbook “Concrete floors for production and storage halls”. When it is considered that a concrete floor is often no different from a type of motorway in a hall then it is clear that many of the regulations from concrete road construction are also applicable to concrete floors. The article is intended to assist in the planning and implementation of the construction of industrial concrete floors and to emphasize the importance of the concrete quality.
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beton 6/2012 ab Seite 210
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bis beton 4/2022: Verlag Bau+Technik GmbH
ab beton 5/2022: Concrete Content UG
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bis beton 4/2022: Verlag Bau+Technik GmbH
ab beton 5/2022: Concrete Content UG
Wuppertal / Schermbeck
Tel: +49 (0) 2 02 7 69 92 69
Fax: +49 (0) 2 02 7 69 92 70