- Verlag Bau + Technik
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Gestaltung und Auswahl von Systemelementen in der Sichtbetontechnik
Baubegleitende Arbeitsvorbereitung
Motzko, Christoph / Boska, Erik
Die Produktionsprozesse von Sichtbetonbauteilen in Ortbetonbauweise sollen im Rahmen der baubegleitenden Arbeitsvorbereitung mithilfe von Arbeitsanweisungen präzise beschrieben werden. In einer solchen Arbeitsanweisung wird in Form von Texten und Bildern geregelt, wie die Elemente eines Arbeitsablaufs zu realisieren sind. Hierdurch wird für die Projektbeteiligten eine Transparenz geschaffen, welche die Auswahl der notwendigen Systemelemente eines Arbeitssystems „Sichtbetonbauteil herstellen“, so z.B. die Qualifikation der eingesetzten Arbeitskräfte und die Auswahl geeigneter Betriebsmittel, ermöglicht. In dem Beitrag werden in Auszügen die erzielten Ergebnisse des im Rahmen der Verbundforschung „Sichtbeton“ an der Forschungsstelle Institut für Baubetrieb der Technischen Universität Darmstadt (FSt 3) durchgeführten AiF-Forschungsvorhabens „Neue Sichtbetontechnik“ (IGF-Vorhaben Nr. 15873 N) vorgestellt. Es wurden neue Erkenntnisse für die Qualitätssicherung bei der Herstellung von Sichtbeton gewonnen. So wurde u.a. erarbeitet, dass Oberflächenbeschichtungen der Schalhaut aus Duroplasten (z.B. Phenolharzbeschichtungen) über eine relativ hohe Kratzfestigkeit gegenüber Thermoplasten (beispielsweise Polypropylen) verfügen. Des Weiteren konnten mithilfe der normativen Prüfverfahren der Kratzfestigkeit (DIN EN 438-2, Abschnitt 25) sowie der Beständigkeit gegenüber Stoßbeanspruchung mit einer kleinen Kugel (DIN EN 438-2, Abschnitt 20) Elemente eines Prüfverfahrens für eine Schalhaut bestimmt werden. Dabei wurden Beanspruchungsunterschiede innerhalb der Thermoplaste und der Duroplaste festgestellt. Bezüglich des Glanzgrads der Betonflächen wurde festgestellt, dass die Rauigkeit sowie der Glanzgrad der Schalhaut einen maßgeblichen Einfluss darauf ausüben. Als Basisgröße der Alterung der Schalhaut wurde die Rauigkeitsentwicklung der Oberflächenbeschichtung identifiziert. Wichtig für die Praxis ist die Erkenntnis, dass für den untersuchten Schalhauttyp FSH PH 120 (Duroplaste wie Phenolharz) hohe Beanspruchungen festgestellt wurden. Vor dem Einsatz einer so leicht beschichteten Schalhaut sollten Versuche auf Anwendungsmöglichkeit durchgeführt werden. Es wurden eine Prozesserfassung und eine Prozessanalyse bei der Planung und Herstellung von Sichtbeton zum Aufbau einer Arbeitsanweisung durchgeführt. Zielsetzung war, den Transfer der aus Labor- und Baustellenuntersuchungen gewonnenen Erkenntnisse in die Baupraxis zu ermöglichen. Hierzu wurde die Herstellung von Sichtbetonbauteilen mit den Systemelementen des REFA-Arbeitssystems beschrieben. Der Praxis wird empfohlen, die Systematik der REFA-Methodenlehre, auch wenn sie theoretisch erscheint, für die Definition und die Analyse von Arbeitssystemen anzuwenden. Mit den Elementen der baupraktischen Empfehlungen für die Erstellung einer Arbeitsanweisung bei Sichtbeton wird der Praxis eine Orientierung zur Gestaltung der Produktionsprozesse gegeben. In Abhängigkeit von den jeweiligen Randbedingungen eines Bauprojekts (u.a. Bau-Soll, Bauumstände, Verfahrensauswahl, Disposition von Ressourcen) können auf dieser Grundlage sichtbetonspezifische Arbeitsverfahren ausgewählt werden.
Organization and choice of system elements in fair-faced concrete technology
The production process for fair-faced concrete components constructed in situ ought to be described precisely with the aid of job instructions as part of the job preparation associated with construction work. The way that the elements of a job sequence should be achieved is regulated in these job instructions in the form of texts and diagrams. This creates a transparency for those involved in the project that makes it possible to choose the requisite system elements of a working system “for producing fair-faced concrete components”, such as the skills of the workforce employed and the choice of suitable working materials. The article presents extracts from the results obtained in the “New fair-faced concrete technology” AiF research project (IGF project No. 15873 N) carried out as part of the “Fair-faced concrete” joint research at the research centre of the Institute for Construction Management at Darmstadt Technical University (FSt 3). New lessons were learnt about quality assurance when producing fair-faced concrete. For example, it was found that surface coatings of duroplasts (e.g. phenol resin coatings) on the formwork facing have a relatively high scratch resistance when compared with thermoplasts (such as polypropylene). Furthermore, elements of a test method for formwork facing were identified by using the standard test methods for scratch resistance (DIN EN 438-2, Section 2) and the resistance to impact stress with a small ball (DIN EN 438-2, Section 20). Stress differences were found within the thermoplasts and duroplasts. It was established that the roughness and degree of gloss of the formwork facing has a significant influence on the degree of gloss of the concrete surfaces. The development of the roughness of the surface coating was identified as the basic parameter of the ageing of the formwork facing. The finding that high stresses were detected for the FSH PH 120 type of formwork facing investigated (duroplasts such as phenol resins) is of practical importance. Applicability trials should be carried out before using a formwork facing that has been lightly coated in this way. Process mapping and process analysis for the planning and production of fair-faced concrete were carried out in order to set up job instructions. The aim was to make it possible to transfer the findings obtained from laboratory and construction site investigations to building practice. The production of fair-faced concrete components was therefore described using system elements of the REFA job system. Even though it seems theoretical it is recommended that the classification scheme used in the REFA methodology should be applied in practice for the definition and analysis of job systems. The elements of building practice recommendations for drawing up a job instruction for fair-faced concrete provides a practical guide for organizing the production processes. On this basis it is possible to select job procedures that are specific to fair-faced concrete to suit the particular framework conditions of a building project (including construction contract constraints, construction factors, choice of method and disposition of resources).
Organization and choice of system elements in fair-faced concrete technology
The production process for fair-faced concrete components constructed in situ ought to be described precisely with the aid of job instructions as part of the job preparation associated with construction work. The way that the elements of a job sequence should be achieved is regulated in these job instructions in the form of texts and diagrams. This creates a transparency for those involved in the project that makes it possible to choose the requisite system elements of a working system “for producing fair-faced concrete components”, such as the skills of the workforce employed and the choice of suitable working materials. The article presents extracts from the results obtained in the “New fair-faced concrete technology” AiF research project (IGF project No. 15873 N) carried out as part of the “Fair-faced concrete” joint research at the research centre of the Institute for Construction Management at Darmstadt Technical University (FSt 3). New lessons were learnt about quality assurance when producing fair-faced concrete. For example, it was found that surface coatings of duroplasts (e.g. phenol resin coatings) on the formwork facing have a relatively high scratch resistance when compared with thermoplasts (such as polypropylene). Furthermore, elements of a test method for formwork facing were identified by using the standard test methods for scratch resistance (DIN EN 438-2, Section 2) and the resistance to impact stress with a small ball (DIN EN 438-2, Section 20). Stress differences were found within the thermoplasts and duroplasts. It was established that the roughness and degree of gloss of the formwork facing has a significant influence on the degree of gloss of the concrete surfaces. The development of the roughness of the surface coating was identified as the basic parameter of the ageing of the formwork facing. The finding that high stresses were detected for the FSH PH 120 type of formwork facing investigated (duroplasts such as phenol resins) is of practical importance. Applicability trials should be carried out before using a formwork facing that has been lightly coated in this way. Process mapping and process analysis for the planning and production of fair-faced concrete were carried out in order to set up job instructions. The aim was to make it possible to transfer the findings obtained from laboratory and construction site investigations to building practice. The production of fair-faced concrete components was therefore described using system elements of the REFA job system. Even though it seems theoretical it is recommended that the classification scheme used in the REFA methodology should be applied in practice for the definition and analysis of job systems. The elements of building practice recommendations for drawing up a job instruction for fair-faced concrete provides a practical guide for organizing the production processes. On this basis it is possible to select job procedures that are specific to fair-faced concrete to suit the particular framework conditions of a building project (including construction contract constraints, construction factors, choice of method and disposition of resources).
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