- Verlag Bau + Technik
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Verringerung von Farbunterschieden in Sichtbetonoberflächen: Einflüsse verflüssigender Betonzusatzmittel und der Vibrationsverdichtung
Rheologische Eigenschaften und Sedimentationsneigung
Rickert, Jörg / Herrmann, Jens
Vor dem Hintergrund, Farbunterschiede in Sichtbetonoberflächen zu verringern, wurden systematisch Einflüsse von verflüssigenden Zusatzmitteln und der Vibrationsverdichtung auf rheologische Eigenschaften und die Sedimentationsneigung von Zementleim, Mörtel und Beton sowie deren Auswirkungen auf die Sichtbetonqualität untersucht. Wurde die zur maximalen Verflüssigung notwendige Menge an Zusatzmittel (Sättigungspunktdosierung) überschritten, war die Sedimentationsstabilität nicht mehr vorhanden und es resultierten nahezu alle an Sichtbetonbauwerken bekannten Verfärbungen. Die Vibrationsverdichtung beeinflusste die Sedimentationsneigung nicht signifikant. Es wird ein Modell zur Entstehung von Verfärbungen infolge Sedimentation vorgestellt und die Bestimmung des Sättigungspunkts erläutert. Grundsätzlich sind die Art und die Zugabemenge an verflüssigendem Zusatzmittel auf betontechnologische Parameter, wie z.B. die Reaktivität des Zements, den Wasserzementwert, die Frischbetontemperatur und die Dauer bis zum Einbau des Betons, abzustimmen. Das Risiko des Auftretens von Oberflächensedimentationen und damit verbundenen Verfärbungen kann vermindert werden, indem Betone mit einer gut abgestuften, mehlkornreichen Sieblinie und nur geringer Wasserabsonderung verwendet werden. Die zugegebene Menge an verflüssigendem Zusatzmittel muss immer unterhalb der Sättigungspunktdosierung liegen. Erschütterungen der Schalung, die nach dem Einbringen in der Frischbetonphase zu Saugeffekten und somit zur Anreicherung von Porenlösung im Bereich zwischen Frischbeton und Schalung führen können, sollten vermieden werden.
Reduction of colour differences on fair-faced concrete surfaces: influence of plasticizing concrete admixtures and vibrating compaction
The influence of plasticizing admixtures and vibrating compaction on the rheological properties and tendency to sedimentation of cement paste, mortar and concrete and their effects on the quality of fair-faced concrete were examined systematically against the background of reducing colour differences on fair-faced concrete surfaces. If the quantity of admixture needed to achieve the maximum plasticizing effect (saturation point addition level) was exceeded the sedimentation was no longer stable and virtually always resulted in the discolouration familiar in fair-faced concrete structures. Vibrating compaction did not have a significant effect on the tendency to sedimentation. A model for the occurrence of discolouration caused by sedimentation is proposed and determination of the saturation point is explained. Basically, the type and quantity of plasticizing admixture have to be matched to the concrete technology parameters, such as the reactivity of the cement, the water/cement ratio, the fresh concrete temperature and the time until the concrete is placed. The risk of the occurrence of surface sedimentation and the associated discolouration can be reduced by using concretes with a well graduated, ultrafines-rich, grading curve and only slight bleeding. The quantity of plasticizing admixture added must always lie below the saturation point addition level. Jarring of the formwork after the concrete has been placed should be avoided because it can cause suction effects in the fresh concrete phase and therefore a build-up of pore solution in the region between the fresh concrete and the formwork.
Reduction of colour differences on fair-faced concrete surfaces: influence of plasticizing concrete admixtures and vibrating compaction
The influence of plasticizing admixtures and vibrating compaction on the rheological properties and tendency to sedimentation of cement paste, mortar and concrete and their effects on the quality of fair-faced concrete were examined systematically against the background of reducing colour differences on fair-faced concrete surfaces. If the quantity of admixture needed to achieve the maximum plasticizing effect (saturation point addition level) was exceeded the sedimentation was no longer stable and virtually always resulted in the discolouration familiar in fair-faced concrete structures. Vibrating compaction did not have a significant effect on the tendency to sedimentation. A model for the occurrence of discolouration caused by sedimentation is proposed and determination of the saturation point is explained. Basically, the type and quantity of plasticizing admixture have to be matched to the concrete technology parameters, such as the reactivity of the cement, the water/cement ratio, the fresh concrete temperature and the time until the concrete is placed. The risk of the occurrence of surface sedimentation and the associated discolouration can be reduced by using concretes with a well graduated, ultrafines-rich, grading curve and only slight bleeding. The quantity of plasticizing admixture added must always lie below the saturation point addition level. Jarring of the formwork after the concrete has been placed should be avoided because it can cause suction effects in the fresh concrete phase and therefore a build-up of pore solution in the region between the fresh concrete and the formwork.
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bis beton 4/2022: Verlag Bau+Technik GmbH
ab beton 5/2022: Concrete Content UG
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