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Betontechnologisch online
Betontechnologie und Anlagentechnik
Hanke, Volker / Dorner, Andreas
Die Betonherstellung im Betonlabor und im Betonwerk führt bekanntermaßen zu unterschiedlichen Ergebnissen. Über Vorhaltemaße ist dieser Effekt hinsichtlich der Betonqualität auszugleichen. Hohe Werte führen aber zu wirtschaftlich ungünstigen Situationen. Die Möglichkeiten zur Beurteilung der Betonqualität aufgrund von Prüfverfahren werden nun zunehmend durch Auswertungen der Anlagendaten ergänzt. Hieraus ergeben sich die in dem Beitrag dargestellten Möglichkeiten zur Anlagenoptimierung aufgrund der Verknüpfung betontechnologischer und anlagenspezifischer Aspekte. Ziel ist es stets, ausreichende Vorhaltemaße bei der Betonherstellung für eine sichere Einhaltung der geforderten Eigenschaften festzulegen. Die gemeinsame Auswertung von Anlagendaten und Laborwerten bietet eine neue Möglichkeit zur Herstellung von baustellengerechten Betonen. Die Genauigkeit zur Einstellung des richtigen Wassergehalts kann damit erhöht werden. Ferner ist es möglich, Fehlerquellen bei der Betonproduktion (wie Anlagendefekte) und im Mischungsentwurf (wie unzutreffende Entwurfsgrundlagen) besser und schneller zu erkennen. Wünschenswert ist die Integration aller betroffenen Systeme, so dass Auswertungen zukünftig auch von softwareunerfahrenen Personen durchgeführt werden können. Erfreulicherweise gibt es hierzu bereits erste Ansätze, die es gilt systematisch auszubauen. Bei konsequenter Anwendung wird sich die Gleichmäßigkeit der Eigenschaften ausgelieferter Betone deutlich erhöhen.
Concrete technology online
It is well known that concrete production in concrete laboratories and in concreting plants leads to different results. This effect has to be offset by using allowances to achieve the required concrete quality. However, high values can lead to economically unfavourable situations. The possible ways of assessing the concrete quality on the basis of test methods is now being supplemented increasingly by evaluating the plant data. This has resulted in the possible ways of optimizing the plant by combining the concrete technology and plant-specific aspects that are described in the article. The aim is always to specify adequate allowances in concrete production to achieve dependable compliance with the required properties. Joint evaluation of plant data and laboratory values offers a fresh option for producing concretes that meet site requirements. This increases the accuracy with which the correct water content can be adjusted. It is also possible to detect sources of error in concrete production (such as plant defects) and in the mix design (such as inappropriate design basis) better and faster. It would be desirable to integrate all the systems involved so that in future the evaluations could also be carried out by people who are not experienced with the software. Fortunately, initial attempts have already been made in this direction and these must be developed systematically. With consistent application there will be a significant increase in the uniformity of the properties of the concrete that is supplied.
Concrete technology online
It is well known that concrete production in concrete laboratories and in concreting plants leads to different results. This effect has to be offset by using allowances to achieve the required concrete quality. However, high values can lead to economically unfavourable situations. The possible ways of assessing the concrete quality on the basis of test methods is now being supplemented increasingly by evaluating the plant data. This has resulted in the possible ways of optimizing the plant by combining the concrete technology and plant-specific aspects that are described in the article. The aim is always to specify adequate allowances in concrete production to achieve dependable compliance with the required properties. Joint evaluation of plant data and laboratory values offers a fresh option for producing concretes that meet site requirements. This increases the accuracy with which the correct water content can be adjusted. It is also possible to detect sources of error in concrete production (such as plant defects) and in the mix design (such as inappropriate design basis) better and faster. It would be desirable to integrate all the systems involved so that in future the evaluations could also be carried out by people who are not experienced with the software. Fortunately, initial attempts have already been made in this direction and these must be developed systematically. With consistent application there will be a significant increase in the uniformity of the properties of the concrete that is supplied.
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beton 12/2013 ab Seite 480
Herausgeber des Artikels:
bis beton 4/2022: Verlag Bau+Technik GmbH
ab beton 5/2022: Concrete Content UG
Wuppertal / Schermbeck
Tel: +49 (0) 2 02 7 69 92 69
Fax: +49 (0) 2 02 7 69 92 70
bis beton 4/2022: Verlag Bau+Technik GmbH
ab beton 5/2022: Concrete Content UG
Wuppertal / Schermbeck
Tel: +49 (0) 2 02 7 69 92 69
Fax: +49 (0) 2 02 7 69 92 70