- Verlag Bau + Technik
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Textilbewehrte Spritzmörtel zur Instandsetzung von Wasserbauwerken
Ergebnisse eines Forschungsvorhabens
Orlowsky, Jeanette / Raupach, Michael / Westendarp, Andreas / Öztürk, Turgay
Massive, mehrere Jahrzehnte alte Wasserbauwerke weisen häufig geringer feste Betonuntergründe sowie gerissene Arbeitsfugen und Risse mit temperaturbedingten Rissbreitenänderungen auf. Bei Verwendung unbewehrter Instandsetzungsmörtel bedingen Rissbreitenänderungen ein „Durchschlagen“ der Risse in den Instandsetzungsmörtel. Über solche Risse kann Wasser mit nachteiligen Folgen für die Dauerhaftigkeit des Spritzmörtels und dessen Verbund zum Altbeton eintreten. Der Beitrag befasst sich mit dem Einsatz textiler Bewehrungen in marktgängigen Spritzmörteln. Mithilfe der Textilien werden sich bewegende Risse im Untergrund in ein fein verteiltes und damit unter Dauerhaftigkeitsaspekten unkritisches Rissbild im Instandsetzungsmörtel überführt. Im Rahmen eines von der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau geförderten Forschungsvorhabens wurden unterschiedliche Textilvarianten mit einem Spritzmörtel S-A3 nach ZTV-W LB 219 kombiniert und die Eigenschaften der erstellten Verbundkörper im Labor charakterisiert. Anschließend erfolgte der Einsatz des neuen Verbundwerkstoffes im Rahmen einer Probeinstandsetzung am Neckarwehr Horkheim.
Textile-reinforced sprayed mortar for repairing hydraulic structures
Massive hydraulic structures that are several decades old often have concrete surfaces with low strengths as well as cracked construction joints and cracks with widths that change with temperature. If unreinforced repair mortar is used any changes in crack width will cause the cracks to break through into the repair mortar. Water can penetrate through such cracks to the detriment of the durability of the sprayed mortar and its bond to the old concrete. The article deals with the use of textile reinforcement in normal sprayed mortars. By using textiles any moving cracks in the surface can be transformed into a finely distributed cracking pattern in the repair mortar that is therefore not critical from aspect of durability. As part of a research project supported by the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute various different types of textile were combined with an S-A3 sprayed mortar conforming to ZTV-W LB 219 and the properties of the resulting composite bodies were characterized in the laboratory. The new composite material was then used as part of a trial repair for the Neckar weir at Horkheim
Textile-reinforced sprayed mortar for repairing hydraulic structures
Massive hydraulic structures that are several decades old often have concrete surfaces with low strengths as well as cracked construction joints and cracks with widths that change with temperature. If unreinforced repair mortar is used any changes in crack width will cause the cracks to break through into the repair mortar. Water can penetrate through such cracks to the detriment of the durability of the sprayed mortar and its bond to the old concrete. The article deals with the use of textile reinforcement in normal sprayed mortars. By using textiles any moving cracks in the surface can be transformed into a finely distributed cracking pattern in the repair mortar that is therefore not critical from aspect of durability. As part of a research project supported by the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute various different types of textile were combined with an S-A3 sprayed mortar conforming to ZTV-W LB 219 and the properties of the resulting composite bodies were characterized in the laboratory. The new composite material was then used as part of a trial repair for the Neckar weir at Horkheim
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bis beton 4/2022: Verlag Bau+Technik GmbH
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