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Durchgehend bewehrte Betonfahrbahndecke (DBB) mit Grinding-Textur
Erfahrungen aus einem Pilotprojekt
Riffel, Siegfried
Bei demverschiedene neue, innovative Bauweisen und Betone wie beispielsweise „Durchgehend Bewehrte Betonfahrbahndecke“ (DBB) mit Grinding-Textur, Standardplattenbauweise mit Waschbetontextur, Stahlfaserbeton mit Epoxidharz-Beschichtung, Kunststofffaserbeton mit Schwindreduzierer erfolgreich realisiert. In einem umfangreichen Messprogramm wird über einen Zeitraum von fünf Jahren das Nutzungsverhalten der verschiedenen Fahrbahnkonstruktionen sowie die Gebrauchseigenschaften der Betone wie z.B. Lärmminderung und Griffigkeit unter hohen Schwerverkehrsbelastungen ermittelt. Besonders interessant werden die Verformungsmesswerte der DBB im Bereich des geschütteten Damms sein. Das Ziel ist, nach Abschluss der Messungen, anhand der Messwerte eine Lebensdauer- und Wirtschaftlichkeitsprognose für die verschiedenen Bauweisen zu erstellen. Die erstmalig im Neubau ausgeführte Texturierung der Oberfläche mit dem Grinding-Verfahren hat gezeigt, dass mit dieser Oberflächenbearbeitung eine extrem leise und griffige Oberflächentextur hergestellt werden kann. Mit dem Schleifen bzw. Profilieren der Oberfläche werden alle die beim Betoneinbau entstandenen Unebenheiten beseitigt, so dass eine absolut ebene Oberfläche mit einem sehr hohen Fahrkomfort und ausgezeichneten fahrdynamischen Eigenschaften gewähr-leistet wird. Durch die längsgerichtete Texturgeometrie mit definierter Schleiftiefe, Rillen- und Stegbreite wird die Dränage bzw. Ableitung des Oberflächenwassers günstig beeinflusst, was zu einer Reduzierung der Sprühfahnenbildung und Aquaplaninggefahr führt. Ein großer Vorteil des Verfahrens ist auch in der zeit- und witterungsunabhängigen Herstellung der Textur zu sehen. Mit der Optimierung des Grinding-Fertigungsprozesses und der Texturgeometrie ist eine weitere Reduzierung des Reifen-Fahrbahn-Geräuschs in der Größenordnung von 1 bis 2 dB(A) zu erwarten, so dass unter optimalen Ausführungsbedingungen eine dauerhafte Lärmminderung in der Größenordnung von -4 bis -5 dB(A) erreicht werden kann. Durch die Qualität der Festbetoneigenschaften (z.B. w/z-Wert, Druckfestigkeit, Nachbehandlung) und der verwendeten Gesteinskörnungen (z.B. Festigkeit, Polierwiderstand) kann die Dauerhaftigkeit der Grinding-Textur maßgeblich beeinflusst werden. Derzeit wird in laufenden Forschungsprojekten das Grinding-Verfahren maschinen- und baustofftechnisch weiterentwickelt und optimiert. Bei dem Pilotprojekt der HeidelbergCement AG „Erschließungsstraße Geseke“ konnte eindrucksvoll gezeigt werden, dass mit den neuen innovativen Betonbauweisen und Oberflächentexturen ‑ insbesondere mit der fugenlosen Bauweise „Durchgehend Bewehrte Betonfahrbahndecke“ (DBB) mit Grinding-Textur ‑ alle Anforderungen an eine moderne, leise, verkehrssichere und unterhaltungsarme Bauweise erfüllt werden. Die positiven Ergebnisse und Erfahrungen mit der DBB-Bauweise und der neuartigen Oberflächentexturierung mit dem Grinding-Verfahren waren auch eine wichtige Basis für den Bau einer weiteren Erprobungsstrecke auf der BAB A94 in 2011. Bei diesem Projekt wurde u.a. die neue Kompositbauweise DBB plus DSH-V sowie eine lärmtechnische Optimierung der Grindingtextur erprobt.
Continuously reinforced concrete road surface with grinding texture
During the construction of the new “Geseke access road” HeidelbergCement AG had successfully implemented various innovative methods of construction, such as the continuously reinforced concrete road surface with grinding texture, standard slab construction with washed concrete texture, steel fibre reinforced concrete with epoxy resin coating and synthetic fibre reinforced concrete with shrinkage reducers. The service characteristics of the different road surface designs and the performance characteristics of the concretes, such as noise abatement and skid resistance, were determined under heavy traffic loadings in an extensive test programme. The deformation measurements of the continuously reinforced concrete road surface in the region of the earthfill dam are particularly interesting. After the measurements have been completed the aim is to use them to prepare a forecast of the service life and cost-effectiveness of the different methods of construction. The texturing of the surface by the grinding method used for the first time in the new construction has shown that an extremely quiet and skid-resistant surface texture can be produced with this method of preparing the surface. Grinding and profiling the surface removes all the irregularities produced when the concrete is placed with the result that an absolutely flat surface with a very high degree of travelling comfort and exceptional properties of the driving dynamics is achieved. The longitudinal texture geometry with defined grinding depth and defined widths of the grooves and lands has a favourable effect on the drainage and dissipation of the surface water, which reduces the formation of spray mist and the risk of aquaplaning. Another major advantage of the method is that the production of the texture is independent of time and weather. Optimization of the grinding and finishing process and of the texture geometry is expected to produce a further reduction in the tyre road noise of the order of 1 to 2 dB(A), so that under optimum implementation conditions a permanent noise reduction of the order of -4 to -5 dB(A) can be achieved. The durability of the grinding texture can be substantially affected by the quality of the hardened concrete properties (e.g. w/c ratio, compressive strength, curing) and of the aggregates used (e.g. strength, polishing resistance). The mechanical and construction materials aspects of the grinding process are currently being further developed and optimized in ongoing research projects. In HeidelbergCement AG’s “Geseke access road” pilot project it has been impressively demonstrated that all the requirements for a modern, quiet, safe and low-maintenance mode of construction can be fulfilled with the innovative concrete construction and surface textures – especially with the “continuously reinforced concrete road surface” jointless mode of construction and the grinding texture. The positive results and experience with this mode of construction and the new type of surface texturing by the grinding method also formed an important basis for the construction of another trial section of the federal A94 motorway in 2011. Among other things this project tested the new continuously reinforced concrete road surface mode of construction plus DSH-V as well as acoustic optimization of the grinding texture.
Continuously reinforced concrete road surface with grinding texture
During the construction of the new “Geseke access road” HeidelbergCement AG had successfully implemented various innovative methods of construction, such as the continuously reinforced concrete road surface with grinding texture, standard slab construction with washed concrete texture, steel fibre reinforced concrete with epoxy resin coating and synthetic fibre reinforced concrete with shrinkage reducers. The service characteristics of the different road surface designs and the performance characteristics of the concretes, such as noise abatement and skid resistance, were determined under heavy traffic loadings in an extensive test programme. The deformation measurements of the continuously reinforced concrete road surface in the region of the earthfill dam are particularly interesting. After the measurements have been completed the aim is to use them to prepare a forecast of the service life and cost-effectiveness of the different methods of construction. The texturing of the surface by the grinding method used for the first time in the new construction has shown that an extremely quiet and skid-resistant surface texture can be produced with this method of preparing the surface. Grinding and profiling the surface removes all the irregularities produced when the concrete is placed with the result that an absolutely flat surface with a very high degree of travelling comfort and exceptional properties of the driving dynamics is achieved. The longitudinal texture geometry with defined grinding depth and defined widths of the grooves and lands has a favourable effect on the drainage and dissipation of the surface water, which reduces the formation of spray mist and the risk of aquaplaning. Another major advantage of the method is that the production of the texture is independent of time and weather. Optimization of the grinding and finishing process and of the texture geometry is expected to produce a further reduction in the tyre road noise of the order of 1 to 2 dB(A), so that under optimum implementation conditions a permanent noise reduction of the order of -4 to -5 dB(A) can be achieved. The durability of the grinding texture can be substantially affected by the quality of the hardened concrete properties (e.g. w/c ratio, compressive strength, curing) and of the aggregates used (e.g. strength, polishing resistance). The mechanical and construction materials aspects of the grinding process are currently being further developed and optimized in ongoing research projects. In HeidelbergCement AG’s “Geseke access road” pilot project it has been impressively demonstrated that all the requirements for a modern, quiet, safe and low-maintenance mode of construction can be fulfilled with the innovative concrete construction and surface textures – especially with the “continuously reinforced concrete road surface” jointless mode of construction and the grinding texture. The positive results and experience with this mode of construction and the new type of surface texturing by the grinding method also formed an important basis for the construction of another trial section of the federal A94 motorway in 2011. Among other things this project tested the new continuously reinforced concrete road surface mode of construction plus DSH-V as well as acoustic optimization of the grinding texture.
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