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XF4-Betone ohne Mikroluftporen
Leistungsbezogene Entwurfsverfahren für Beton mit hohem Chlorideindringwiderstand
Gehlen, Christoph / Kleeberg, Daniel
Es gibt Anwendungsfälle, bei denen die Anforderungen aus Standsicherheit und Gebrauchstauglichkeit dazu führen, dass Betone sowohl eine hohe Festigkeit als auch einen hohen Widerstand gegenüber einer Frost-Tausalz-Einwirkung aufweisen sollen. Beide Eigenschaften sind getrennt leicht erzielbar, in der Kombination jedoch schwer erreichbar, da in der Norm für XF4-Betone die Zugabe eines Luftporenbildners gefordert wird. Eine Alternative zu diesem deskriptiven Konzept bietet der Nachweis der Dauerhaftigkeit anhand leistungsbezogener Entwurfsverfahren. So wurden in zahlreichen Versuchen Zusammensetzungen von Betonen entwickelt, die ohne Zugabe eines Luftporenbildners bei hoher Festigkeit einen hohen Frost-Tausalz-Widerstand aufweisen. Auch die Dauerhaftigkeit gegenüber einer Chlorideinwirkung wird bei diesen Betonen gesteigert. Das Deutsche Institut für Bautechnik hat für diese Spezialbetone eine allgemeine bauaufsichtliche Zulassung erteilt. Die für den Nachweis der Leistungsfähigkeit erforderlichen Prüfungen und deren Ergebnisse werden in dem Beitrag beschrieben.
Performance-based design procedures for concrete: concrete with high resistance to chlorine penetration for exposure class XF4
There are applications where the demands for stability and fitness for intended use mean that concretes have to exhibit not only high strength but also high resistance to the action of freeze-thaw with de-icing salt. The two properties are easy to achieve individually but hard to obtain in combination because the standard for XF4 concretes requires the addition of an air-entraining agent. Proof of durability with the aid of performance-based design procedures offers an alternative to this descriptive approach. For example, numerous trials have been used to develop concrete compositions that exhibit high resistance to freeze-thaw with de-icing salt as well as high strength without the addition of an air-entraining agent. These concretes also have increased durability to the action of chloride. The German Institute for Structural Engineering has awarded a general building inspectorate approval for these special concretes. The tests required for proving their effectiveness, and their results, are described in the article.
Performance-based design procedures for concrete: concrete with high resistance to chlorine penetration for exposure class XF4
There are applications where the demands for stability and fitness for intended use mean that concretes have to exhibit not only high strength but also high resistance to the action of freeze-thaw with de-icing salt. The two properties are easy to achieve individually but hard to obtain in combination because the standard for XF4 concretes requires the addition of an air-entraining agent. Proof of durability with the aid of performance-based design procedures offers an alternative to this descriptive approach. For example, numerous trials have been used to develop concrete compositions that exhibit high resistance to freeze-thaw with de-icing salt as well as high strength without the addition of an air-entraining agent. These concretes also have increased durability to the action of chloride. The German Institute for Structural Engineering has awarded a general building inspectorate approval for these special concretes. The tests required for proving their effectiveness, and their results, are described in the article.
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