- Verlag Bau + Technik
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Ausführung eines Kreisverkehrs in Betonbauweise
Konstruktion und Bauausführung
Oeser, Martin
Kreisfahrbahnen und ihre dazugehörigen Ein- und Ausfahrtsbereiche sind enormen Schubkräften ausgesetzt. Aufgrund der Erkenntnisse von hoch belasteten Verkehrswegen ist bekannt, dass Betondecken extrem verformungsstabil sind und somit eine lange Nutzungsdauer versprechen. Langjährige Erfahrungen im benachbarten Ausland haben gezeigt, dass sich diese Vorteile auch auf den Bau von Kreisverkehren übertragen lassen. Sie sind dort seit vielen Jahren gebauter Standard. Über eine Nutzungsdauer von mehr als 30 Jahren betrachtet, stellen sie – trotz ihrer um ca. 15 % höheren Baukosten – eine wirtschaftliche Alternative dar. Aufgrund der positiven Erfahrungen im Ausland rückt die Bauweise seit einiger Zeit auch in Deutschland verstärkt ins Blickfeld der ausschreibenden Straßenbauverwaltungen. Der Beitrag beschreibt den Umbau eines vierarmigen Kreuzungsbereichs in Tübingen zu einem Kreisverkehrsplatz komplett in Betonweise.
Construction of a roundabout using concrete
Roundabouts and their associated entry and exit areas are exposed to enormous shear forces. Based on the findings from heavily loaded traffic routes it is known that concrete pavements are extremely stable to deformation and can therefore promise long service lives. The fact that these advantages can also be applied to the construction of roundabouts has been shown by many years of experience in neighbouring countries where they have been the standard mode of construction for a long time. Considered over a service life of more than 30 years they represent a cost-effective alternative – in spite of their approximately 15 % higher construction costs. The good results that have been achieved mean that this form of construction has for some time also come increasingly to the attention of the road construction administrators who invite tenders in Germany. The article describes the conversion of a four-way road junction in Tübingen to a roundabout constructed entirely of concrete.
Construction of a roundabout using concrete
Roundabouts and their associated entry and exit areas are exposed to enormous shear forces. Based on the findings from heavily loaded traffic routes it is known that concrete pavements are extremely stable to deformation and can therefore promise long service lives. The fact that these advantages can also be applied to the construction of roundabouts has been shown by many years of experience in neighbouring countries where they have been the standard mode of construction for a long time. Considered over a service life of more than 30 years they represent a cost-effective alternative – in spite of their approximately 15 % higher construction costs. The good results that have been achieved mean that this form of construction has for some time also come increasingly to the attention of the road construction administrators who invite tenders in Germany. The article describes the conversion of a four-way road junction in Tübingen to a roundabout constructed entirely of concrete.
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bis beton 4/2022: Verlag Bau+Technik GmbH
ab beton 5/2022: Concrete Content UG
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Tel: +49 (0) 2 02 7 69 92 69
Fax: +49 (0) 2 02 7 69 92 70