- Verlag Bau + Technik
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Mängel und Schäden bei Weißen Wannen durch fehlerhafte Weichenstellung
Betonieren im Sommer
Ebeling, Karsten
Weiße Wannen sind in Bezug auf Trennrisse und der Anforderung der Wasserundurchlässigkeit als anspruchsvolle Bauaufgabe anzusehen. Es ist daher wichtig, dass sich Planende und Ausführende bewusst machen, diese Ingenieuraufgabe in der Planung und Ausführung so zu optimieren, dass die Konstruktion, der Beton und die Bauausführung möglichst wenig rissanfällig werden. Das Gelingen einer Weißen Wanne erfordert ein geeignetes Zusammenspiel von sinnvoller Konstruktion und angepasster Betonzusammensetzung und Bauausführung in Abhängigkeit der Witterungsbedingungen. Besondere Gefahrenpunkte beim Betonieren Weißer Wannen im Sommer ergeben sich durch hohe Frischbetontemperaturen, die die Wärmeentwicklung des erhärtenden Bauteil beschleunigen und zu einem schnellen Temperaturanstieg sowie hohen Zwangspannungen führen. Weiterhin erhöht die Einwirkung von Wind mit sommerlichen Temperaturen die Porosität in der Betonrandzone und verringert damit die Dauerhaftigkeit des Betonbauteils. Die für „normale“ Bauvorhaben beim Betonieren im Sommer erforderlichen Maßnahmen gelten unter Berücksichtigung der besonderen Bedeutung des Risikos vieler und breiter Risse für Weiße-Wanne-Konstruktionen selbstverständlich in besonderem Maße. Einige Anforderungen werden in dem Beitrag dargestellt und erläutert.
Deficiencies and damage in watertight concrete construction due to a flawed approach
Watertight concrete construction projects should be considered as challenging in respect of separation cracks and the requirement for water impermeability. It is therefore important that designers and contractors are aware that the design and implementation of these engineering projects must be optimized so that the structure, the concrete and the execution are as little susceptible to cracking as possible. The success of watertight concrete construction requires appropriate coordination between rational design and customized concrete composition and execution to suit the weather conditions. Particular danger points when concreting watertight concrete structures in summer arise through high fresh concrete temperatures that accelerate the generation of heat from the hardening structural components and lead to a rapid rise in temperature and severe constraint stresses. The effect of wind combined with summer temperatures also increases the porosity in the concrete edge zones and reduces the durability of the concrete component. The measures required for “normal” construction projects when concreting in summer are obviously particularly applicable in view of the special significance for watertight concrete structures of the risk of creating numerous wide cracks. The article describes and explains some of the requirements.
Deficiencies and damage in watertight concrete construction due to a flawed approach
Watertight concrete construction projects should be considered as challenging in respect of separation cracks and the requirement for water impermeability. It is therefore important that designers and contractors are aware that the design and implementation of these engineering projects must be optimized so that the structure, the concrete and the execution are as little susceptible to cracking as possible. The success of watertight concrete construction requires appropriate coordination between rational design and customized concrete composition and execution to suit the weather conditions. Particular danger points when concreting watertight concrete structures in summer arise through high fresh concrete temperatures that accelerate the generation of heat from the hardening structural components and lead to a rapid rise in temperature and severe constraint stresses. The effect of wind combined with summer temperatures also increases the porosity in the concrete edge zones and reduces the durability of the concrete component. The measures required for “normal” construction projects when concreting in summer are obviously particularly applicable in view of the special significance for watertight concrete structures of the risk of creating numerous wide cracks. The article describes and explains some of the requirements.
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