- Verlag Bau + Technik
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Betonverdichter und Glättmaschinen
Entwicklungen und Tendenzen
Sonnenberg, Richard
Bei der industriellen Herstellung von Betonprodukten auf Baustellen und in Betonwerken hat die Verdichtung des Frischbetons einen hohen Stellenwert hinsichtlich Produktqualität und Fertigungskosten. Die Verarbeitung großer Betonmengen in kurzer Zeit begann nach Einführung von Rüttelflaschen zur Betonverdichtung im Jahr 1926. Damit konnten steife Betone ‑ die anfangs ausschließlich als Stampfbeton verwendet wurden ‑ problemlos in enge und mit Bewehrung versehene Schalungen eingebaut werden. Heute stehen für anspruchsvolle Bauprojekte und unterschiedliche Betonsorten jeweils optimale Verdichtunsgeräte und Glättmaschinen zur Oberflächenbearbeitung mit hohem technischem Entwicklungsstand in großer Auswahl zur Verfügung. Als Verdichtungsgeräte werden direkt und indirekt wirkende Vibratoren eingesetzt. Bei direkt wirkenden Geräten kommt der Verdichter direkt mit dem Beton in Berührung, wie beispielsweise bei Innenrüttlern. Handgeführte Innenrüttler sind besonders flexibel einzusetzen und werden auf Baustellen am häufigsten angetroffen. In der Regel arbeiten Innenrüttler mit einer Schwingungsfrequenz von 200 Hz. Mit dieser hohen Frequenz können die baulich kleinen Innenrüttler in den Beton hohe Verdichtungsleistungen abgeben. Außenrüttler kommen hauptsächlich in Fertigteil- und Betonwarenwerken und auf Baustellen als Schalungsrüttler zum Einsatz. Die Vibrationfrequenzen liegen zwischen 50 Hz und 150 Hz, teilweise auch bei 200 Hz. Mit Außenrüttlern werden besonders gute Sichtbetonflächen erzielt. Schalungsabschnitte, die mit Innenrüttlern nicht zu erreichen sind, können mit Außenrüttler noch einwandfrei verdichtet werden. Vibrationsbohlen verteilen, verdichten und ziehen den eingebrachten Frischbeton auf ebenen Flächen ab. Profillänge, Erregerkraft und Vibrationfrequenz der Bohlen sind variabel einstellbar. Glättmaschinen mit rotierenden Flügelblättern glätten und polieren Betonböden nachdem der eingebaute Beton verdichtet worden ist.
Market review of concrete compactors and trowelling machines
Compaction of fresh concrete is very important with respect to product quality and production costs in the industrial production of concrete products on building sites and in concrete plants. The processing of large quantities of concrete in a short time started after the introduction of vibrating pokers for compacting concrete in 1926. This made it possible to place stiff concretes – which had originally only been used as rammed concrete – without any problem into narrow formwork containing reinforcement. Nowadays, there is a great selection of highly sophisticated compacting equipment and trowelling machines for surface treatment available for every demanding construction project and different type of concrete. Direct and indirect vibrators are used as compacting units. With direct units the compactor comes into direct contact with the concrete, such as with internal vibrators. Manually operated internal vibrators are particularly flexible to use and are very often found on building sites. As a rule, internal vibrators operate at a vibration frequency of 200 Hz. At this high frequency the small internal vibrators can produce a high degree of compaction in the concrete. External vibrators are used mainly in precast element and concrete product plants and, on building sites, as formwork vibrators. The vibration frequencies lie between 50 Hz and 150 Hz, but sometimes also at 200 Hz. Particularly good fair-face concrete surfaces can be achieved with external vibrators. Sections of formwork that cannot be reached with internal vibrators can still be compacted properly with external vibrators. Vibrating beams distribute, compact and screed the fresh concrete on flat surfaces. The profile length, excitation force and vibration frequency of the beams are adjustable. Trowelling machines with rotating blades can smooth and polish concrete floors after the concrete has been placed and compacted.
Market review of concrete compactors and trowelling machines
Compaction of fresh concrete is very important with respect to product quality and production costs in the industrial production of concrete products on building sites and in concrete plants. The processing of large quantities of concrete in a short time started after the introduction of vibrating pokers for compacting concrete in 1926. This made it possible to place stiff concretes – which had originally only been used as rammed concrete – without any problem into narrow formwork containing reinforcement. Nowadays, there is a great selection of highly sophisticated compacting equipment and trowelling machines for surface treatment available for every demanding construction project and different type of concrete. Direct and indirect vibrators are used as compacting units. With direct units the compactor comes into direct contact with the concrete, such as with internal vibrators. Manually operated internal vibrators are particularly flexible to use and are very often found on building sites. As a rule, internal vibrators operate at a vibration frequency of 200 Hz. At this high frequency the small internal vibrators can produce a high degree of compaction in the concrete. External vibrators are used mainly in precast element and concrete product plants and, on building sites, as formwork vibrators. The vibration frequencies lie between 50 Hz and 150 Hz, but sometimes also at 200 Hz. Particularly good fair-face concrete surfaces can be achieved with external vibrators. Sections of formwork that cannot be reached with internal vibrators can still be compacted properly with external vibrators. Vibrating beams distribute, compact and screed the fresh concrete on flat surfaces. The profile length, excitation force and vibration frequency of the beams are adjustable. Trowelling machines with rotating blades can smooth and polish concrete floors after the concrete has been placed and compacted.
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beton 10/2014 ab Seite 376
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bis beton 4/2022: Verlag Bau+Technik GmbH
ab beton 5/2022: Concrete Content UG
Wuppertal / Schermbeck
Tel: +49 (0) 2 02 7 69 92 69
Fax: +49 (0) 2 02 7 69 92 70
bis beton 4/2022: Verlag Bau+Technik GmbH
ab beton 5/2022: Concrete Content UG
Wuppertal / Schermbeck
Tel: +49 (0) 2 02 7 69 92 69
Fax: +49 (0) 2 02 7 69 92 70