- Verlag Bau + Technik
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Beschleunigung der Frühfestigkeitsentwicklung von zementhaltigen Systemen durch Power Ultraschall
Erste Ergebnisse von Laboruntersuchungen
Ludwig, Horst-Michael / Peters, Simone / Rößler, Christiane
Die gezielte Steuerung des Erhärtungsverhaltens ist für viele Bereiche der Betonherstellung von großer Bedeutung. In der Fertigteilindustrie z.B. wird eine schnelle Festigkeitsentwicklung durch den Einsatz von Betonrezepturen mit niedrigen Wasserzementwerten und hohen Zementgehalten sowie die Verwendung von Zementen mit hohen Festigkeitsklassen realisiert. Zusätzlich gesteigert werden kann die Frühfestigkeitsentwicklung durch Zugabe von Salzen, heterogenen Keimen oder durch eine Warmbehandlung. Eine neue alternative Methode ist der Einsatz von Power Ultraschall (PUS). Das Potenzial von PUS liegt in der gezielten Steuerung chemischer Reaktionen. Bei der Applikation von PUS in zementhaltigen Systemen ist es u.a. möglich, die Induktionsperiode der Alithydratation zu verkürzen. Die Erstarrungszeiten und die Frühfestigkeiten von Bindemitteln, die auf Portlandzementklinker basieren, können so gezielt beschleunigt werden. In dem Beitrag werden Ergebnisse erster Untersuchungen am F.A. Finger-Institut für Baustoffkunde der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar beschrieben, bei denen der Einfluss von Power-Ultraschall auf das Erstarrungsverhalten verschiedene Zemensuspensionen untersucht wurde.
Power ultrasound – an effective method of accelerating the early strength development of cementitious systems
Selective control of the hardening characteristics is highly important for many areas of concrete production. In the precast element industry, for example, rapid strength development is achieved by the use of concrete mix formulations with low water/cement ratios and high levels of cement as well as by the use of cements in high strength classes. The early strength development can also be increased by the addition of salts, heterogeneous seed crystals or by heat treatment. A new alternative method is the use of power ultrasound (PUS). The potential of PUS lies in the selective control of chemical reactions. During the application of PUS in cementitious systems it is possible, among other things, to shorten the induction period of alite hydration. This allows the setting times and the early strengths of binders that are based on Portland cement clinker to be selectively accelerated. The article describes the results of the first investigations at the F.A. Finger Institute for Building Materials Science at the Bauhaus University Weimar where the influence of power ultrasound on the setting characteristics of various cement suspensions has been examined.
Power ultrasound – an effective method of accelerating the early strength development of cementitious systems
Selective control of the hardening characteristics is highly important for many areas of concrete production. In the precast element industry, for example, rapid strength development is achieved by the use of concrete mix formulations with low water/cement ratios and high levels of cement as well as by the use of cements in high strength classes. The early strength development can also be increased by the addition of salts, heterogeneous seed crystals or by heat treatment. A new alternative method is the use of power ultrasound (PUS). The potential of PUS lies in the selective control of chemical reactions. During the application of PUS in cementitious systems it is possible, among other things, to shorten the induction period of alite hydration. This allows the setting times and the early strengths of binders that are based on Portland cement clinker to be selectively accelerated. The article describes the results of the first investigations at the F.A. Finger Institute for Building Materials Science at the Bauhaus University Weimar where the influence of power ultrasound on the setting characteristics of various cement suspensions has been examined.
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